ITCH e.04 call for submissions

ITCH Online welcomes contributions from artists and writers to its fourth issue.

Artists working in any medium and writers expressing themselves in any form or genre are invited to submit work for the fourth issue of ITCH Online. The 'theme' is:

'A moment's expectation, a silent space between the verbal flow... A short row of spots, to be sure... A breath held... Or expelled... Visual space, opened for interpretation... Ellipses eclipsed... Hesitation, uncertainty, the pause prioritised... A confused vagueness... The search for the right... words... or pictures... or sounds... An unwillingness to end a statement with certainty... or commit to a particular and unchangeable position... A soft ending in hard times... An evocative moment unwilling to be crystallised into expression... Three pennies on the floor... A sigh... a logo... dot dot dot...'

You are free to interpret this theme in any way that you wish, to speak to or against it, to explore or ignore it, with words, sounds and/or images. Poetry, prose, essays, book reviews, short stories, unclassifiable writing, photography, graphic design, sound art, visual work, animations, short films, drawings, paintings, and more, are welcomed.

Submissions are open until 28 August 2009.

See for full guidelines.

In the meantime, enjoy reading and viewing ITCH e.03, ITCH e.02 and ITCH e.01 at