FAO Research Opportunity: HIV/Aids and Land
We are inviting project proposals for a study on HIV/AIDS and land issues in Southern and Eastern Africa with four country studies. Total budget of the study is US$20,000 for a duration of two-three months including a co-ordination of four country studies and synthesis paper. We encourage organisations rather than individual researchers to apply for the funds so that the study will be conducted with common methodology and good co-ordination. The countries of special interests include Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho, Zambia, Uganda, Botwana.
Dear all,
We are inviting project proposals for a study on HIV/AIDS and land
issues in Southern and Eastern Africa with four country studies.
Total budget of the study is US$20,000 for a duration of two-three
months including a co-ordination of four country studies and
synthesis paper. We encourage organisations rather than
individual researchers to apply for the funds so that the study will
be conducted with common methodology and good co-ordination.
The countries of special interests include Malawi, South Africa,
Lesotho, Zambia, Uganda, Botwana. But it does not mean that
other countries are excluded if it is justified. Attached is a draft
TOR which will give some baseline for the study, but applicants are
encouraged to address any other specific issues found in each
Applicants are requested to submit:
1. A project proposal maximum 10 pages that include with
estimated budget
2. CV of participating researchers
3. Background of the organisation
4. A copy of any relevant work conducted by researchers in the
5. Bank details
The deadline of application is 10 September 2001.
With Regards,
Kaori Izumi
Land officer, FAO office for Southern and Eastern Africa