Egypt: Women excluded from constitutional committee

'The institutions and organisations below have signed this statement in disapproval of the criteria and formation of the Constitutional Committee, whereby the committee does not include a single female expert. Advancing with a committee like this, triggers fears and suspicions with regards to the future of Egypt and the transitional phase.'

The Egyptian Center For Women's Rights
[email][email protected]
17 Feb 2011

Egypt Constitutional Committee Starts Working While Neglecting and Excluding Female Legal Experts

The Constitutional committee starts working while neglecting and excluding female legal experts

The institutions and organizations below have signed this statement in disapproval of the criteria and formation of the Constitutional Committee, whereby the committee does not include a single female expert. Advancing with a committee like this, triggers fears and suspicions with regards to the future of Egypt and the transitional phase which Egypt is currently witnessing after the 25th of January Revolution. This issue poses a critical question with regards to democracy and the main aims of the revolution which were initially spelled out as equality, freedom, democracy and participation of all citizens.

We are hereby questioning the criteria according to which the members of the constitutional committee are chosen; are they based on political criteria or on values of equality and justice as spelled out by the revolution? If the criteria are based on efficiency and integrity, then why are female legal experts excluded despite the fact that Egypt is rich with lots of female experts in constitutions whether in the Supreme Constitutional Court or the Faculties of Law.

We believe that as Egyptian women largely and equally participated in the revolution with Egyptian men and some of them have been jailed and still lost while others have even martyred, they have the right to participate in building the New Egyptian State on the simple basis of citizenship.

Nevertheless, we strongly have confidence in the discretion of the Military Council in guiding Egypt towards democracy. Hence, we are making the statement today to stress on the values of citizenship and participation of women, specifically in the Constitutional Committee at the moment.

1- The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights- Helwan
2- Andalus institute for tolerance and anti-violence studies- Cairo
3- The Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers (CIJL) – Cairo
4- Association of Human Communication- Cairo
5- The United Group- Cairo
6- Association of Arab Women- Cairo
7- Health and Environmental Culture Society- Cairo
8- Egyptian Medical Women's Association- Helwan
9- Citizen's Society for Development and Human Rights- Giza
10- Maat Foundation for Peace and Development and Human Rights- Cairo
11- Vision Society for Enlightenment and Community Development- El Menia
12- Association of population development and the preservation of the environment- Cairo
13- Our Society Association for Development and Human Rights- Cairo
14- The Egyptian Society for Marketing and Development
15- The Egyptian Foundation for Family Development- Giza
16- Association of Middle East for Peace and Human Rights- Cairo
17- With You Society for Social Assistance- Helwan
18- Gozour Society for the comprehensive Development- Helwan
19- The Egyptian Society for Family Empowerment- Giza
20- The Legislative Association in Bakri Mastour- Qalioubia
21- Pioneers Society for Development- Giza
22- Al Zohor Association for Development - 6th of October
23- Society Development Association in Sakil – 6th of October
24- The Egyptian Association for Environmental and Humanitarian Development - Al Qualiubia
25- Our Society Association for Development and Human Rights - Giza
26- The Egyptian Association for the spread of environmental awareness - Al Qualiubia
27- Association of Women and Child Development - Al Qualiubia
28- The legislative Association in Saa'd Zaghlol – Al Qualiubia
29- Legal Association for the support of Family and Human rights - Cairo
30- Mary Girgis Youth Association - Cairo
31- Hope Association in Al Aslougy - Sharkia
32- Women for Development Association – 6th of October
33- The Egyptian Association for Defend and support - Helwan
34- Ayatollah Association - Giza
35- Economic Liberalization Association - Cairo.
36- Al Sharkia Youth Association – Al Sharkia
37- Al Mashrek Association for Population Development - Sharkia
38- Cairo Center for Development - Giza
39- Kelmetna Association for Dialogue and Development - Cairo
40- El Nadim Center for the Management and Rehabilitation of victims of violence - Cairo
41- Friends of Youth and Environment Association - October
42- Future Girls Association for Development - Cairo.
43- Frasis Charitable Association for Society's Development - Gharbia
44- Al Hayat Association in Zifta- Gharbia
45- The Forum of Dialogue and Partnership for Development - Giza
46- Future Association for Development - Aswan
47- The Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement - Fayuom
48- Al Fayoum Renaissance Association - Fayuom
49- The Association of the interested people in education and development – Fayuom
50- Al Tanweer Centre for Development and Human Rights - Giza
51- The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights – Cairo
52- Al Mahrousa Center – Cairo
53- Nama'a Association for Development and Human Rights – Al Gharbia
54- The Arab Program for Human Rights Activists – Cairo
55- Association For the Development and Enhancement of Women – Cairo
56- Hawaa Future Association – Giza
57- Ismailia Generations for Development Association – Ismailia
58- Haq Center for Democracy and Human Rights – Cairo
59- Association for the Support and Development of Education – Giza
60- World Without Borders Association for Human Rights - Cairo
61- New Fustat Association- Cairo
62- Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights- Cairo
63- Egyptian Association for Disseminating & Developing Legal Awareness- Giza