ACTION for Conflict Transformation
ACTION Support Centre:
Postnet Suite #145, Private Bag X9, Melville, 2109, South Africa
Fax/tel +27 (0)11 331 0671 / 331 2944
Email: [email protected]
ACTION for Conflict Transformation
ACTION Support Centre:
Postnet Suite #145, Private Bag X9, Melville, 2109, South Africa
Fax/tel +27 (0)11 331 0671 / 331 2944
Email: [email protected]
Sudan Organisation Against Torture
Human Rights Alert: 13 June 2005
Suspension of Khartoum Monitor Licence
Embargoed for release:
(Not for publication until):
Wednesday, March 2, 2005
At 16:00 GMT
(The videotape is also embargoed for Wednesday, March 2, at 16:00 GMT)
Darfur: Militia Leader Implicates Khartoum
IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community
13 April 2004
Al-Jazeera bureau chief receives prison sentence; news blackout on events in
Darfur region
The English and Spanish versions follow.
Les versions anglaise et espagnole suivent.
Las versiones en inglés y español se encuentran más abajo.
La version française suit. The French version follows.