Confessions of a racist

Was it Africans who went to the Americas and butchered tens if not scores of millions of native Americans? Was it Africans that used their religion to hide their intent to steal as much territory as they could all the while denigrating the beliefs and cultures of innumerable peoples? Who was it that did so much raping that the bloodlines of Latin America changed forever?
I do not like white people.
Because of this affirmation some would call me a racist.
To this I answer, fine: I am a racist.
However, the question that needs to be asked, which coincidentally hardly ever is, is the following: Why should anybody who isn't white like white people? What right do they have to the affection of anyone who doesn't have the same skin tone as them?
For the sake of this article I think that I should give you an idea as to who I am. I am a Canadian citizen who was born in Jamaica. I am what would be referred to as black. I have lived in Canada for 26 years and during this period I have done a fair bit of reading.
Mostly history.
And seeing that I live in Canada the vast majority of history books that I have at my disposal are books about western civilization. I have read so much on this topic that it is fair to say that I have the right to form a synthesis of what I have read coupled with the intermingling that I have done with white people on a day-to-day basis.
My conclusion is the following: They are a plague that for the past 500 has swept through the worlds of man. Leaving behind a trail of destruction in their wake. They have destroyed opulent and refined civilizations, massacred hundreds of millions of individuals, raped even more, enslaved in the most cruel fashion the very peoples who welcomed them in as brothers, stolen vast expanses of land, introduced socioeconomic systems that were, are and always will be hopelessly unjust, been guilty of the most vile forms of treachery imaginable and are hypocritically oblivious to the crimes of their peoples even to this very day.
I could go on but I think that that was enough for one paragraph and I think that it appropriately sums up the essence of that which white people have done and that which they are capable of doing.
So, whenever I hear a white person speaking about so called ''reverse racism'' or saying something to the effect that blacks are equally if not more racist than whites, it irks me.
Historically speaking, who is the criminal?
Was it Africans who came to the Americas and butchered tens if not scores of millions of native Americans? Was it Africans that used their religion as a smokescreen to hide their intent to steal as much territory as they could all the while denigrating the beliefs and cultures of various if not innumerable peoples? Who was it that did so much raping that the bloodlines of Latin America changed forever? Which peoples are guilty of the cruelest form of slavery known to man, reducing tens of millions of human beings to the most cruel of servitude to the point that they were considered no more than cattle if not less useful? Which group of people is responsible for the disappearance of dozens if not scores of indigenous peoples, be they the Australian Aborigines or native Americans?
Who is responsible for these crimes?
I could go on but whenever these subjects come up some would object and say that this is ancient history. As if white people long ago miraculously woke up from their state of murderous rapacity and decided to be decent human beings.
So, let's talk of their contemporary misdeeds shall we?
Here in Canada thousands of native children were kidnapped from their families and forced to live on residential schools. What was the purpose of these schools? To remove the Indian from these children. By force if necessary. And force was used in the majority of the cases. Young boys were given over to the tender mercies of white homosexual pedophile Christian priests and were used as they desired. The same if not worse happened to the young girls with the nuns. And for those who were too recalcitrant they were simply executed and no one was held accountable even to this very day.
These acts went on here, in Canada. Until the 1970s. Where people have the reputation for being ''nice and polite.''
Imagine what happened in other parts of the world?
South of the border the crimes of Uncle Sam know no limit. From the war in the Philippines at the turn of the century that saw hundreds of thousands killed, to the invasion of Cuba and Haiti, to the war in Vietnam where at least 3 million people lost their lives, to the instigation of coup d'etats in the 60s in independent countries like Chile and Brazil, to the organization, training and equipping of death squads in Salvador and Nicaragua in the 80s to terrorize people fighting for a more just social system, to the genocidal tendencies of the pro-American governments in countries like Guatemala and Indonesia, to the recent invasion of Iraq where the destruction has been more atrocious than when the City of Baghdad had been sacked by the Mongols in the 13th century, the list goes on and on.
And we aren't saying anything about the crimes of Great Britain, France, Holland, Belgium and other colonial powers with their blood soaked heritage of oppression.
Yet if I say that white people are evil I am considered the bad guy.
On a more personal level I have to admit that I don't have one friend who's white. And after having lived in this country for over 26 years if by now I haven't got a white friend, guess what? I don't want one.
I've done my best to integrate their social circles but nothing ever worked. I was always the odd man out. And even if there was the possibility of me being accepted it was always on the tacit condition that I “don't make waves.”
So, no, I don't like white people.
And if you aren't white neither should you.
But for what it's worth I don't have a problem with Slavs or Armenians in general.
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