CODESRIA Small grants programme for thesis writing 2010

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is pleased to announce the eighteenth competition under its Small Grants Programme for Thesis Writing. The grants are designed to contribute to the development of the social sciences in Africa, and the continuous renewal and strengthening of research capacities in African universities through the funding of primary research conducted by post-graduate students and professionals.

OBJECTIVES: The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is pleased to announce the eighteenth competition under its Small Grants Programme for Thesis Writing. The grants are designed to contribute to the development of the social sciences in Africa, and the continuous renewal and strengthening of research capacities in African universities through the funding of primary research conducted by post-graduate students and professionals. In this connection, candidates whose applications are successful are encouraged to use the resources available under the grants to cover the cost of their fieldwork, the acquisition of books and documents, the processing of data which they have collected and the printing of their thesis/dissertation. As the Council has a strong interest in encouraging African researchers to engage one another on a sustained basis, recipients of the small grants will also be supported to order books and journals produced by African scholarly publishers, including CODESRIA itself. They will also be encouraged to apply to attend CODESRIA research methodology workshops.

ELIGIBILITY: The Programme is open to graduate students and professionals currently registered in African universities preparing their theses and dissertations in all social science fields and in other disciplines involving social or economic analysis. Preference is given to those registered for Doctoral Studies (PhD or equivalent). with fewer grants dedicated for Masters and Mphil theses.

APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Grants are awarded solely on the strength of the applications received by CODESRIA. All applicants are required to use the application forms designed by CODESRIA and available with this announcement. The application forms can also be downloaded from the CODESRIA website ( In filling out the forms, applicants are requested to keep the following guidelines in mind:

RESEARCH PROPOSAL: The presentation by candidates of their research proposals should contain a clear statement of the research hypotheses, a critical review of the existing literature, the methodology to be used, the expected results of the work, and a detailed work plan and timetable. The research proposal should be based on an innovative problematic which sets out the originality of the theme in relation to on-going research in the same area; the proposal should not be more than 6 pages, single spacing, font size 12;

BUDGET: Applicants should present a detailed budget with expenses clearly linked to specific phases of their research. The budget should not exceed USD 3000 for those preparing a PhD/Doctrate, USD 2500 for those preparing an MPhil, and USD 2000 for those preparing an MA or MSc. Apart from trips for fieldwork in the country in which the research is actually conducted; travel abroad is not funded under the grant.

STATEMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT: A statement is required from the applicant’s institution of affiliation giving approval for the proposed research and an assurance of continued institutional support throughout the preparation of the thesis/dissertation. This statement of institutional support should be done on the institutional letterhead and must carry the official stamp; contact details of the person issuing the statement must be included and will be contacted by CODESRIA if any queries arise.

LETTERS OF REFERENCE: Two letters of reference must accompany each application, one from the thesis/dissertation supervisor assessing the applicant’s research proposal and abilities and another from a faculty member assessing the applicant in relation to other graduate students and commenting on the scientific merit and validity of the proposed research; contact details of the thesis or dissertation supervisor must be included in the letter of reference;

CURRICULUM VITAE: Applicants should include a current curriculum vitae which, among other things, indicates their discipline and nationality, and provides a list of their recent publications and on-going research activities in which they are involved.

Please note that any application which is submitted without applications forms will be automatically disqualified.


Small Grants Programme for Theses Writing

Application Form

File No.: ………………….. (To be completed by the CODESRIA Secretariat)

1. Name of Applicant: ( Start with your surname in Capitals followed by your name in small caps):


2. Institutional Address of Applicant in Full:


3. Tel: ………….Fax: ………………………………...

Email (of institutional person who can be contacted): ...………………………………………………………….…………...

4. Gender: ..Nationality (please indicate your nationality as indicated on your passport, not that of the country where you reside)......................................................……..

5. Circle Degree:

a. PhD (or equivalent) 

b. Mphil 

c. Masters 

c. Other (Specify): …...…………………………………………….…..

6. Field of Specialization:………………………………………...

7. Project Title: ...………………………………………………………………



Please complete the following Sections - Spacing should be 1.5, using 12 pts. Please adhere strictly to the Guidelines

1. Statement of Research Problem (To include Literature Review): (1000 words):
2. Objectives of the Study (Not more than 200 words):
3. Theoretical Framework for Study (1000 words):
4. Hypotheses (To be derived from the Theoretical Framework) (Not more than 200 words):

5. Methodology:

5a. Research Design (Describe in full your Methods for data Collection -Sample/Sampling; Materials, Sources etc.) (Not More than 1000 words):
5b. Analysis of Data: Describe How you intend to Analyse data) (Not More than 350 words):

6. Expected Outcomes (Not More than 350 words):
7. Significance of the project (Not more than 300 words):

7a. Time Frame (Use a Chart to Illustrate, indicating activities and time):

7b. Budget (Use a Table which indicates expenditure Items and Cost in Local and US Dollars):

8. References (Cite only those used in the Proposal):

Signature of Applicant:…………………………………………………………


Name and Full Address of Supervisor:…………………………………………...



E-mail of Supervisor: ……………………………………………………………...

Telephone and Fax Number(s) of Supervisor:……………………………………


Other Referees:

1. Name and Full Contact Details (Postal Address, E-mail, Telephone and Fax): …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………
2. Name and Full Contact Address (Postal Address, E-mail, Telephone, and Fax): …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………

Documents to be attached to Application:

a) An original and duly stamped copy of the letter of institutional affiliation;

b) Two letters of reference; and

c) A copy of current Curriculum Vitae

(NB : Please note that your proposal MUST not be more than six pages)

All applications should be submitted to:

The Small Grants Programme for Thesis Writing


BP 3304, CP 18524,

Dakar, Senegal.

Tel.: +221-825 9822

Fax: +221-824 1289

E-mail: [email][email protected]

APPLICATION DEADLINE AND SELECTION PROCEDURES: The deadline for the receipt of applications is Friday 18th June, 2010. Applications found to be incomplete or which arrive after the deadline will not be taken into consideration. The independent Selection Committee charged with screening all applications received will meet in Dakar, Senegal, from 19 to 23rd August, 2010 and the results of its deliberations will be announced shortly thereafter.

All applications should be submitted to:
The Small Grants Programme for Thesis Writing
BP 3304, CP 18524,
Dakar, Senegal.
Tel.: +221-33 825 98.22/23
Fax: +221-33 824 12.89
E-mail: [email][email protected]