Human Security
- Tagged under Human Security
- Tagged under Human Security Cote d’Ivoire
- Tagged under Human Security Uganda
- Tagged under Human Security
- Tagged under Human Security South Africa
- Tagged under Human Security Mauritania
- Tagged under Human Security
As the capitalist depression deepens, there are militarists in the United States who are now openly championing war so that the US government would embark on another massive investment for missile defense, rather than discussing reduced military spending.
Tagged under Human SecurityWhile the war did begin with vicious pogroms in the North, it is worth remembering that what took place between 1967 and 1970 was a war, with two armies fighting each other. To suggest that nobody cared is ridiculous.
Tagged under Human SecurityOn all sides, it has been politics(s) among all political elites, to pass by them in public discourse. We need to recognise and understand our pasts to make sense of and act responsibly in the present.
Tagged under Human Security
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