In the Kenyan milieu, 2012 is the year that a lot of momentous events will gestate before bursting out in new births, new beginnings, or conversely, serve as the harbinger of the dissipation of certain ethno-class dynasties, corrupt tendencies and parochial proclivities.
- Tagged under Governance Kenya
The 23 January 2012 ruling by the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court confirming the two cases against four Kenyans, thereby opening the way for their full trial over the 2007/8 post- election violence, represents a victory for the victims and the survivors of the carnage as wel
Tagged under Governance KenyaA sunny Sunday in mid-November. The hustle and bustle of bubbly, energetic young voices. Trumpets, saxophones and clarinets uniting in perfect harmony with the coordinated marching feet of the brass band in their green and gold uniform.
Tagged under Land & Environment KenyaLet me start with a warning: This link contains very graphic, gory and disturbing images.
Tagged under Governance SomaliaIT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SHAKE AN ANGRY FIST
Kenyans are a very angry lot these days.
Tagged under Governance Kenyadear jm thank you for your bloody sacrifice
for your death allowed our generation
to come up into political consciousness
we say ahsante to ben gethi, we say shukran to mark twist,
we say heko to benard hinga and pongezi to mbiyu koinange and his cohort mzeeTagged under GovernanceOn the Friday after the historic Tuesday, Kenyans were still ululating and gyrating to the beat of the Obama presidential landslide.
Tagged under ICT, Media & SecurityWhy do you find the stubborn survival of the INNER MKABILA in persons who last lived in a village twenty or thirty years ago?
Tagged under Governance Kenya- Tagged under Governance Kenya
Bulawayo Agenda (Zimbabwe) Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (Zimbabwe) Centre for Multiparty Democracy (Kenya) Christian Alliance (Zimbabwe) Combined Harare Residents Association (Zimbabwe) Community Action for Popular Participation/Transition Monitoring Group (Nigeria) CounselinG Servic
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Zambia
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