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Tuesday, December 09, 2014
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
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[email][email protected]Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsThe actions of the Burkinabe people have put to shame the doomsayers and naysayers that believe that only gloom can come out of Africa. They have shown the road that needs to be taken by the African people if they want peace, prosperity and progress. It is the road of popular struggle.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Burkina FasoA new report, ‘Going Offshore’, has found that as of the end of 2013, a massive 118 out of 157 fund investments made by the CDC Group Plc – the UK’s DFI – went through jurisdictions that feature in the top 20 of Tax Justice Network’s Financial Secrecy Index (FSI).
Tagged under GovernanceIN THIS ISSUE:
News on countries of origin
News on countries of asylum
Detention and deportation news
Conferences and workshops
Calls for papers
Grants and awards: PRM grants for Kenya and Ethiopia NGOs
Tagged under Human SecurityMedia Release
4 November 2014.Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Manila, Nov. 8, 2014
Tagged under Advocacy & CampaignsThe Pan-Africanism Working Group welcomes the determination of the women, the youth, of committed people, of the political opposition, who have forced the 27-year-old dictatorial regime to step back during the past four days.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Burkina Faso2 November 2014
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Kenya- Tagged under Resources
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