Nineteen African nations meet this week in Arusha, Tanzania, to finalise a 'plant protection' protocol that would open up the continent's seeds to corporate interests, taking away farmers' rights to grow, improve, sell and exchange their traditional seeds, while allowing commercial breeders to ma
- Tagged under Governance
The move to impose the UPOV-compliant Plant Breeders' Bill on Ghanaians suffered a major set-back on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. This is a significant victory given the level of push back our campaign received from the MPs and the entire apparatus of state of the Mahama Administration.
Tagged under GovernanceOur attention at Food Sovereignty Ghana has been drawn to an article in the online edition of the Daily Graphic of 20 September, 2013, ‘GM crop production making progress’, by Jojo Sam.
Tagged under Food & HealthI have been meaning to do my own reflections of the 20th anniversary of the Insight newspaper, but I kept postponing it, as each time I tried to put my ideas together, so many things raced to the fore, competing for priority.
Tagged under Governance GhanaGhanaians may wish to ask, just whose interests does Ghana's Biosafety Committee represent? Are they interested in safety? Or are they just interested in introducing genetically engineered and patented food into Ghana?
Tagged under Governance GhanaThe 6th Africa Agriculture Science Week was held in Accra from 15-20 July 2013. Many of the people attending Science Week are good people with very good intentions. They want to develop African agriculture and make sure no one goes hungry.
Tagged under Food & Health