Assassination of Kenyans

Its saddening to read of by fellow human beings, trying to cover up there sins,why can the same organ of government(the police)do the job they are supposed to do,which is to protect people. It now talks volume when one Kiraithe (police spokesman) say that they dismiss the finding of extra judicial killings, rather than take the opportunity to change now and be judged by history they played a role to change ...

Let them read about the Nazi, today no one want to associate with it Hitler, even wearing the Nazi logo or anything nazi is out of fashion, no being wants to associate themselves with. I see a time when the this chapter of our Kenyan history will be remembered always and we will say Kibaki and hi government did nothing to protect the people.rather they propagated the killings of people,we cant judge if they were quilty or innocent, as thats the work the courts,this says there is alot that is rotten in our mother country Kenya,they may kill,but they will never kill the desire,the dreams of a better Kenya, and we shall hold them responsible,we may not have money,but they cant also refuse the brothers, sisters, wives,friends of the people killed not to remember them, so let them know for the 2 candles they put off,there shall be more candles lit,and the light shall illuminate the darkness n we shall see them for who they are. This is very stupid, very stupid n unfortunate.