The African Malaria Vaccine Testing Network is inviting applications from African scientists in the employment of African institutions / Ministries of Health to participate in the above workshops. Applicants must at least be middle to senior level investigators, key members of ethics (or scientific) review committees, study monitors, members of data safety monitoring boards, sponsors of research involving human subjects, members of regulatory bodies or editors of biomedical journals. Details ...read more

The African Women's Media Center (AWMC) will hold a five-day cyber training on reporting on HIV/AIDS for French-speaking African women journalists from June 11 to June 15, 2001. The Internet-based seminar is designed to equip French-speaking journalists with substantive knowledge about HIV/AIDS and provide practical tips on reporting on HIV/AIDS in Africa. Sessions will be live for four hours each day for five days.

This not-for-profit independent research body has received a foundation grant to implement a research project on the implications of globalisation for the countries of East Africa. Dates: Apply before June 30 2001, to commence by end 2001. 2 year contract. Positions: 1 post-doctoral fellow, 2 assistant research fellows, 1 research assistant.

Welcome to a post-mortem of and a critical look at Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) in Africa together with a proposed new recipe to make them better, avoiding their (sometimes now judged clumsy) pitfalls. Overall, I see the Report as an apology for market-based reforms, because the authors truly believe them to be the best option. In doing the latter, the Report tacitly calls on Western donors and on the private foreign investors to rethink their strategies and to support countries that...read more

An impending appeals court ruling in Tunisia threatens to undermine the Arab world's oldest independent human rights organization, according to a report released today by Human Rights Watch and the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders. The Observatory is a joint program of the International Federation for Human Rights and the World Organization against Torture.
