Announcing this year's 1st Edition of Wajibu
“People who ignore their history are bound to repeat it” said Desmond Tutu. If we really wish never again to see a repetition of the traumatic events that we experienced after the 2007 Kenyan elections, we CANNOT AND WE MUST NOT bury the memory of what happened in the early months of 2008.
WAJIBU, in this first double first issue of the year brings you not simply the events of that period as lived by many Kenyans but also the reflections of thoughtful writers (many of them young but established) on the underlying reasons for this outbreak of violence. At the same time, we give you the thoughts of religious leaders as well as of social activists on the paths we must choose if we wish to live in “unity, peace and liberty” in the Kenya we love.
Some of the well-known writers and leaders who have contributed to this issue are: Sheikh Said Athman, Muthoni Garland, Shalini Gidoomal, Fr. Patrick Kanja, Mukoma wa Ngugi, Yvonne Owuor, Stephen Partington, Binyavanga Wainaina and Rasna Warah.
WAJIBU can be obtained for Ksh. 100/= at the following outlets: Stanley Kiosk, Simply Books, University of Nairobi Bookshop, Catholic Bookshop, LISS library at the Rahimtulla Trust Building on Mfangano Street.
If you would like to subscribe or purchase copies, please contact:[email protected], tel: 254 720 970197