- Tagged under Pan-Africanism Algeria Pan Africanism
There was much to be celebrated when the African Union (AU) convened to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its formation.
Tagged under GovernanceOn July 9, 2013, the Republic of South Sudan will celebrate its second anniversary. The jubilee that initially welcomed South Sudan into the community of nations has begun to fade and the reality of crises has gradually taken front stage.
Tagged under Governance South SudanI would like to take a moment to respond to two commentators who wrote responses to my articles published by Pambazuka News: ‘South Sudan in the post-CPA era: Prospects and challenges’ [1] and ‘The role of women in nation-building in South Sudan.’ [2] I will begin by responding to that written by
Tagged under Governance South SudanIt has been close to eight months since the Republic of South Sudan became independent. The process of state and nation-building is well underway.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities South SudanINTRODUCTION
Tagged under GovernanceINTRODUCTION
Tagged under GovernanceThe Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), signed on 9 January 2005, brought an end to the brutal civil war (1955–1972; 1983–2005) that had engulfed Sudan well before its independence in 1956.
Tagged under Governance South Sudan