Urgent appeal to stop Italian firm land grab in Senegal
An urgent appeal has been launched to stop an Italian-Senegalese land grabbing project in Senegal, strongly opposed by the communities of the northern region of Ndiaël, because it deprives them of access to their lands and threatens their basic means of subsistence. The Senhuile-Sénéthanol project poses a grave threat to the food sovereignty of 9000 inhabitants in the affected region, and it is implemented by a very shady corporate structure.
The appeal is promoted in partnership between ActionAid, GRAIN, Re:Common, the Oakland Institute, Peuples Solidaires, and in coordination with the Collective of 37 villages for the Defence of the Ndiaël Reserve in Senegal, the Conseil National de Concertation et de Coopération des Ruraux - CNCR and ENDA-Pronat.
Please find below the links to the appeal (english/french/spanish/italian). Please sign on and any additional support to spread it will be very helpful!
Additional information on the project are available here:
Report Who's behind Senhuile-Senethanol by GRAIN/Re:Common/CRAFS
Report Surrendering our future by The Oakland Institute
Video Voices of Ndiael by Collective WOTS?