Tie your shoe laces Haitians, the battle to free Haiti from US imperialism continues

Outgoing President Michel Martelly's handpicked successor, Jovenel Moïse, won disputed elections setting off protests. If Haitians had a real leader, like Moise Jean Charles, democratically elected, that leader would want to change the economic plundering and looting. This is why the oligarchs pulled out all the stops to put in another Martelly replica. It is going to be another five years of US colonization of Haiti.
After lots of insider objections, the criminals won the day. For now.
Essentially, the Bigio-Boulos-Brandt-Berlanger-Apaid-Clinton crew announced to the Haitian people that their votes were switched by the old 2015 UNOPS-Core Group crew and allocated as follows:
Jovenel Moise - 55.67 percent
Jude Celestin - 19.52 percent
Sen. Jean-Charles Moïse - 11.04 percent
Maryse Narcisse - 8.99 percent
Martelly's replica, Jovenel Moise, the reason why there was a rigged election in 2015 and the candidate Haitians rejected then, is again being put into the Haiti presidency by the Barack Obama-Clinton international criminals in Haiti.
Indeed, the International Community (UNOPS/USAID/Clinton Foundation) simply switched the people's real votes for prefabricated ones for Jovenel Moise.
The international mafia went into the tabulation center and had UNOPS and their technicians (a Spanish guy) push a few buttons, give them the results the humiliated Clinton-Kenneth Merten crew wanted and insisted on in Haiti. This was reported yesterday by Haiti attorney Elton Harold Desinor on Radyo Kiskeya.
It's such an absolute fraud, perhaps I'll write further details out for you later. For now, this electoral fraud only proves how desperate the imperialists are in Haiti, in the US, all over the globe. The plutocrats are losing traction and their media can't fool the people any longer. But, before I give you the heads-up on what to expect from the new US-Euro House Kneegrow, Jovenel Moise, put in charge of Haiti, let me share a little story about our Haiti reality.
Recently a friend told me one of the Haiti mulattoes recommended she read Written in Blood to understand Haiti history. Now, you must understand this book provides the quintessential colonial narrative on Haiti and reads like a municipal police blotter of Haitians committing violence on Haitians. You know, like Gerald Latortue did after the removal of Aristide during the bicentennial coup d’etat from 2004 to 2006; like during the second term of Rene Preval when the UN massacred thousands of Haitians along with the newly trained Haiti police; like under the Clinton surrogate, Michel Martelly, and now as it will be under Jovenel Moise. That sort of "Haiti history" focuses on the "choices" the people of Haiti didn't make.
It's the white man's "Haitian history", filled with the "corrupt, violent, lawless and incompetent Haitians."
When I was young and reading their colonial narratives, I couldn't understand why I didn't recognize the Haiti they were talking about; why I didn't see the hard working, honest Haiti parents and relatives I knew. The ones who fought against US imperialism, generation after Haitian generations but still lived - stayed innocent, dignified, vibrant, heroic?
But now that I've lived through decades upon decades of US imperialism, its human subjugation, exploitation, economic colonialism, regime changes, rigged elections, massacres of unarmed Haitians, occupation and experienced how the US-Euros select the most amoral people from Haiti to put into office; people like the disgraceful former Tonton Makout, Michel Martelly, and now his replica, Jovenel Moise, I understand completely why they must have their lopsided narratives; their fake moral covers.
Unfortunately for them, so many Haitians can detail for the world that's watching just how vicious that US swamp is and how, for their own sick kicks and bloodsucking pleasure, they install criminals as dictators in Haiti and once deported the one democratically elected Haiti president back to Africa. Corruption, genocide, subjugation, greed, it's their nature. Fòk li ranni.
You may read the particulars on the CEP November 20th vote results, from the shamestream media's Jacqueline Charles here.
For those who wish to pay attention to the real deal here, not the theater surrounding the US-Euro auctioning off of Haiti through this fake Jovenel Moise elections, here's some of the lowdown:
1. Haiti's Gilbert Bigio is the wealthiest of billionaires in the Caribbean. He owns the multi-billion dollar Haitian metal company, Acierie d'haiti and more recently, Port Lafito, the new Panamax Port for oil transshipment, fanning out all across Haiti. The Bigio Group works hand in hand with the Dominican Republic oligarchy, particularly the Vicini family sugar barons, to use the Ayiti landmass for the business of the globalist one percent;
2. Bigio is Israel's agent in Haiti. He's now got his own Tonton Makouts crew, flown in from South Africa and also made up of former Israeli military soldiers. This private military security contractors are known as HLSI and they are active in the resource wars in Angola/South Africa and are big Clinton Foundation donors. Before he left office, Michel Martelly gave HLSI/Bigio the border surveillance contract, land, air and sea.
3. The Mevs group of oligarchs in Haiti formerly controlled the largest Haiti private port (located, of course, in embattled Site Solèy which controls 21 per cent of the Haiti voting public.) This Mevs faction are livid about Bigio's new power, port monopoly, influence as partner in Digicel and the Bigio border maneuvers. This group of oligarchs do not want Jovenel Moise in power to solidify the Clinton plunders and Bigio's port Lafito power and influence. Nor do certain factions within the Dominican Republican oligarchy, who are losing billions upon billions now that they have to go through Bigio's "border surveillance" crew and through Port au Prince to sell their foul sausages, eggs, fuel, sugar, et al, to Haiti.
The Dominican Republic is a US client-state, essentially the Israel of the Caribbean. Our sources indicate that a faction in the Pentagon doesn't want to see a destabilization of the anemic DR economy if they can't collect their normal $2 to $3 billion yearly in "trade" from poor, captive Haitians. They make their goods from exploiting Haiti slave-wage labor in the DR and sell it back to Haitians in Haiti! The oligarchs make money on both sides of the island off Haiti labor and the Diaspora remittances that pay for the goods the Haiti oligarchs buy from the DR to resell to Haitians in Haiti. If Haitians had a real leader, like Moise Jean Charles, democratically elected, that leader would want to change the economic plundering and looting. This is why the oligarchs pulled out all the stops to put in another Martelly replica.
4. In my new book, Nou Pap Obeyi, I outline how in 2004, while everyone was reading the shamestream media's State Department missives and demonization bulletins of President Aristide and the Lavalas "chimeres," the real fight was for control of the Haiti coastline in Site Soley, St Marc, Gonaives, Fort Liberte, to name a few. That oligarchy madness was between Bigio-Boulos-Brandt-Apaid who were paying Site Solèy's mercenary, Labanye and others, to fight with Mevs soldiers led by Drèd Wilmè, who truly wanted to liberate Haiti, but was caught up in the geopolitical fight for the Site Solèy coastline filled with Haiti oil. You all know how that story went. The UN foreign soldiers massacred Drèd Wilmè and the Site Soley militants against the US occupation for the Gilbert Bigio crew, who now rule as overseers in Haiti, first through Martelly and now presumably through Jovenel Moise- if this electoral fraud sticks.
5. And behind all the Haiti overseers and repugnant white-Haitian oligarchy, there's the Western overlords: the US military industrial complex, career foreign service folks, and USAID functionaries, which is a CIA front. Haitians uniformly call them: the "Laboratory".
6. The Laboratory benefits from the Haiti chaos and I'd guess they are simply salivating right now at their ability to get the Haiti restaveks to put in Jovenel Moise under the thin veil of "elections." The Laboratory doesn't see the Haiti population as human beings, just pawns in their geopolitical game of dominance and resource warmongering. This fresh Haiti chaos of rigged 2016 elections, which will be resisted by the majority of peoples in Haiti, simply gives them a cover to keep everyone busy while no one is looking at the US soldiers in UN uniform and their US military bases not just floating in Haiti waters taking Haiti oil but the US military bases long established at Mole St. Nicolas and the newer one being eyed at Fort Liberte's former Daulphin Plantation. The Northern Haiti gold belt "earthquake relief;" new "University;" Caracol "jobs;" and Paul Farmer's newest "hospital" are all covers for their false philanthropic/NGO capitalist narrative.
7. President-elect Donald Trump has nominated General Flynn as his National Security advisor and as far as I can tell, the only thing the Laboratory wants to change in Haiti is the resource distribution. Certain oligarchs shut out by the Clinton Foundation monopoly in Haiti are hyperventilating over getting in opportunity for a redistribution of the loot taken by the Clinton-Obama crew. This means a re-distribution amongst the Duopoly colonists in the 1) Digicel cell phone and mobile banking monopoly; 2) a swapping of chairs between the oil, uranium, iridium plunderers for new ones, and 3) a bigger Republican share to be renegotiated on Haiti's massive oil gold (already being funneled out as DR gold) no matter if open pit mining on the Northern faultlines kills another 310,000 Haitians.
8. The Laboratory also shall probably finally reveal their Northern military bases in Haiti and try to sell it to Haitians as a new source of, yep, that old Caracol trick again, "jobs for Haitians."
9. The US-Canada-France occupiers in Haiti are at war with the Brazilians ever since Bill and Hillary landed to take their place as "spokespersons" for Haiti "democracy and responsibility to protect." Lol. You have to laugh truly at these diabolical vampires. So, Bill Clinton was installed at the UN to also control media attention and get his Sean Penn/Wyclef Jean useful idiots out front so no one would see how Caracol Industrial Park was initially supposed to go the Brazilians not the South Koreans. Yep, by 2008 when Brazil found a lot of oil in its subsoil and had refused to kill innocent Haitians at the level of massacres the US and Bigio-Boulos-Brandt-Apaid group wanted them to, that's when the angry US decided to deny Lula's brother in-law his reward: Caracol Industrial Park and Haiti slave wage laborers. So they imported over 100,000 Haitians to Brazil and now those workers are kicked out of Brazil and miraculously finding no border guards as the Haitian immigrants virtually WALK unimpeded from Brazil to the US border! Yep, the Westerners are now openly at war with Brazil. Our Black bodies are simply cannon fodder in the white colonists geopolitical game. The US definitely wants Brazil out of Haiti because of its BRIC alliance, but more critically, the globalist/corporatocracy want to put their own greedy hands on that new oil found in Brazil.
10. In addition, to destroy the Haiti resistance to this US occupation behind UN mercenary guns, fake aid and fake elections, the US-Canada-France imperialists have plans to create a new 16,000 local Haiti army. In other words, the Western despots and terrorists expect to pacify 16,000 young Haiti men and some women by giving them the local jobs to bash in the heads of the resisting public wanting democracy. Such foreign-trained Haiti militarized forces shall continue to spray unarmed Haiti with rubber bullets, toxic chemicals, and whatever newer "riot" control US-Israeli weapons the colonists wish to try out for size.
11. There are rumors that some of the more conscientious ones in the Laboratory are pissed at having their hands tied, watching the fugitive Accra executive go free after his drug boat from Columbia was caught in Haiti and a warrant issued for his arrest. Some of these US authorities are very angry at not being able to do anything to grab DEA wanted fugitive Guy Philippe, and other alleged drug kingpins in the Martelly crew - such as his father in-law Charles “Bébé” St. Rémy, Youri Latorture, alleged former hit man for Michel Martelly and now hiding in the Haiti Senate, Senator Herve Fourcand, many other K-Plume and PHTK unelected criminals pushed into the Haiti Parliament by the Kenneth Merten-Privert agreement of February 2016. Our sources indicate that even former presidential candidate, Jean-Henry Céant is said to be under investigation, like Jovenel Moise, for money laundering and other financial irregularities. So, expect indictments under Trump of PHTK bandits and hundreds of others not named herein but who are well-know lawless Duvalierist thugs, which Haiti lawyers like us have spent years trying to bring to justice, only to have the US-Laboratory and NGOs re-image them as "civil society" and then push for them to enter Parliament and get Parliamentary immunity.
12. The Paul Farmer poverty pimps and so-called Leftist progressives will continue to provide the imperialist with the "white savior," "philanthropist cover," while the human trafficking of Haiti children and organs at their various medical centers, along with more cholera vaccines, rake in the Haiti blood monies for big-pharma.
So, tie your shoe laces Haitians. It's gonna be a heinous five years of US colonization of Haiti with more innocent Haitian bloodshed if this rigged election travesty is not annulled. As usual it is the poor Haiti warrior for liberty who will pay the price for liberty for all of Haiti.
At the Èzili Network, we commit to do our part, jiskobou, by transmitting the information to you ahead of time. Like the information you've just read, which the sell-out local Haiti and international media will never tell you.
Know folks, that the shamestream media news you're getting from Miami Herald's fraudster, Jacqueline Charles, or Reuters' Guy Delva, no matter how neutral it seems, they are simply the PHTK-Hillary Clinton communication officers.
* Èzili Dantò is a Haitian lawyer and activist.
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