Tom Odhiambo

A recent festival of arts, culture and conversations sought to move debates about East Africa’s integration away from elite spaces to the grassroots. It was an insightful experience whose basic message was that without active involvement of the region’s peoples the East African Community remains an elite dream.

The revived regional integration process is on course. But it is largely a project of politicians and bureaucrats. There is scant involvement of the people. For the community to integrate meaningfully, the process needs to be grounded in the aspirations, needs and futures of the citizens.


Stereotyping can become the only reference point or source of knowledge about the other people. The prejudice we hold against someone else can end up limiting our ability to know more about the stranger.

The Travail of Dieudonne is a modern version of Meja Mwangi's Going Down River Road.

The main narrative in the novel is a biography of Dieudonne, a houseboy (that colonial term that refuses to go away) to an expatriate white couple teaching at a university in Mimboland.

Mimboland is a typical African nation-state wracked with poverty due to bad governance. It is reliant on foreign aid and the unbalanced trade relationship with the West (Remember Giles Poor Story?). more

The main narrative in the novel is a biography of Dieudonne, a houseboy (that colonial term that refuses to go away) to an expatriate white couple teaching at a university in Mimboland. Mimboland is a typical African nation-state wracked with poverty due to bad governance. It is reliant on foreign aid and the unbalanced trade relationship with the West. (Remember Giles Poor Story?).