Glen Ford


George Zimmerman is no more provably racist in a U.S. court than most white Americans – which is why a Justice Department action will get nowhere. Whites consider it ‘reasonable’ to believe in the inherent dangerousness of Black males


Obama sees no irony in making a pilgrimage to Nelson Mandela’s place of political imprisonment, while holding 80,000 human beings in solitary confinement

The U.S. reprises Iraq, inventing a WMD threat from Syria. The FBI concocts home-grown terror through stings, while the NSA claims it has secretly saved many lives. “Why this steady stream of government-invented terror, if the real thing is so abundant?” And, isn’t the U.S. arming and funding the same jihadists they are supposed to be listening for on our telephones?

The great Bolivarian is gone – which means the U.S. will soon escalate its destabilization campaign against his country. ‘Washington hopes that Venezuelan socialism cannot survive without Chávez.’ But the U.S. cannot roll back the movement that Chávez did so much to ignite, ‘the dark awakening in the barrios, favelas, rural villages and native highlands of the continent.’

If Dr. King were alive today, there might be a Black president, but he or she would certainly not get MLK’s support if he behaved like Barack Obama. Dr. King would oppose Obama’s wars, “make Wall Street scream, and attempt to render the nation ungovernable under the dictatorship of the Lords of Capital.”


White America lacks the capacity for self-examination. It cannot grasp the simple truth, that a culture that celebrates the annihilation of whole peoples, casually and without guilt or introspection, is devoid of human values at its very core


American military influence has fanned out across Africa during 2011, thanks in large part to assistance from African governments.


Glen Ford for

cc. For Glen Ford, it is hard to believe that a generation ago, the Congressional Black Caucus was known as "the conscience of the congress, a political and moral high ground long deserted by the current CBC, which has utterly collapsed under Israel-lobby pressure for the second time in three years. Yet, today, all but two Black lawmakers voted either "Yes" or "Present" more

Possibly a quarter million people have lost their lives in Darfur, western Sudan, in ethnic conflict. The U.S. government screams its head off in denunciation of genocide, in this case. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as many as five million have died since 1994 in overlapping convulsions of ethnic and state-sponsored massacre. Not a word of reproach from Washington.
