While life may be wonderful for tourists visiting Zanzibar, the eastern Tanzanian archipelago renowned for its tranquillity and the unspoilt beauty of its beaches, most urban and rural communities on the islands suffer from poor living conditions and an inadequate supply of clean and safe water. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tanzania is now backing the development of six water projects intended to provide adequate water supply and sanitation for more than 45,000 people on...read more

The strategies and methodologies in current practice aimed at achieving sustainable, participatory conservation are inadequately developed, and their implications are poorly understood by policy makers, managers and communities among other user groups. Possibilities of conflict and jurisdictional overlap exist. Institutional arrangements and policy instruments that facilitate the alleviation of poverty in the mountain adjacent communities through rural development should be integral component...read more

United Nations University Leadership Academy's global course on Leadership for Environment and Human Security will take place in Jordan and South Africa during 12-30 August 2002.

The Academy's goal is to enable the participants to "learn about leadership directly from leaders" We ensure our participants have the unique opportunity to interact with global and national experts. The academy offers an innovative core curriculum on leadership including History of leadership, Contemporary T...read more

In a new book, "The Skeptical Environmentalist," Bjorn Lomborg looks at the current state of the planet and takes issue with the many sensational claims made by the environmental movement over the years. Using data from government organizations such as the US EPA and the United Nations, he points out that in most areas, environmental quality is improving. People are living longer, healthier and more prosperous lives, which is contrary to what many of these groups would like us to believe.

Ready for the WSSD? Enroll in P&DM's Globalisation & Environment Executive Course.
The University of the Witwatersrand's Graduate School of Public and Development offers short courses for government and non-government officials, to provide cutting-edge information about public and development issues.
