Western powers have been devastating Africa’s land, resources and populations for centuries. Africans must now throw off that legacy by first understanding it and then making the best use of their continent’s assets without the detrimental western intervention.

This latest move by the occupying power Morocco is in violation of the international law principles applicable to mineral resource activities in Western Sahara, which is Non-Self-Governing Territory.


East African countries have joined the ranks of oil and gas producing nations. How can these countries avoid the ‘resource curse’ that many African nations have been facing and instead turn their resource wealth into opportunities for their citizens?


Landless citizens of a location just outside Nairobi have been fighting for their rights to land since Kenya’s independence 50 years ago. Successive governments – including those of two presidents, Jomo Kenyatta and his son Uhuru, who come from the area – have failed to give these people justice.


What last month’s march did, better than any other event in history, was demonstrate the unity of activists demanding genuine emissions cuts and government funding of an alternative way of arranging society. They offered a transformative view of a world economy that must go post-carbon and post-profit if our species and countless others are to survive.
