Admittedly, ZANU-PF’s so-called “victories” at the polls, ever since Zimbabwe’s independence from the British colonial rule in 1980, have been nothing short of questionable – amidst widespread allegations of rigging, intimidation, unfair coverage of opposition parties in the state media, which ha
- Tagged under Democracy & Governance Zimbabwe ZANU-PF
South Africa is at a crossroads, facing its biggest upheavals since independence in 1994. Globally, since the 2008 Great Recession there are growing explosive class and social conflicts due to the deepening crisis of capitalism.
Elections have long been held as a stabilising approach to political transitions in established Western democracies.
A secret history
Since coming to political power, the anticolonial movements of Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa have remained in control of the former settler colonies’ societies. At best their track record of running the countries they helped liberate is mixed.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance ZANU-PF, Robert Mugabe, Jacob Zuma, Thabo Mbeki, Nelson Mandela, Eduardo dos Santos, SWAPO