Government-Renamo negotiations resumed briefly on Wednesday 27 July and then were suspended by the mediators until Monday 8 August. The mediators submitted proposals in response to the first item on the agenda, Renamo's demand to take power in six provinces.
Tagged under Human Security Mozambique Mozambique, RENAMO, Afonso DhlakamaThe attitude of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) denotes a certain understanding of the historical, political and socioeconomic dynamics in Mozambique that precludes a concerted diplomatic response to the persistent military conflict that threatens full-blown civil war.
Tagged under Human Security Mozambique, RENAMO, FRELIMO, Afonso Dlakhama, SADCIntroduction
Mozambique is currently facing one of the most challenging tests of its capacity to resolve the country’s political, economic and social challenges.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Mozambique FRELIMO, RENAMO, President Nyusi, Mozambique