Statement on threats made to S'bu Zikode

For genuine partnership to be be built between local government and South African shackdwellers' movement Abahlali base Mojondolo, it must be on the basis of respect for all people, writes Bishop Rubin Phillip.

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When we heard that eThekweni Mayor, James Nxumalo, agreed to meet with a
delegation from the shackdwellers movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM),
we were hopeful that a new page was being turned. Perhaps now there can
be meaningful engagement between the organised poor and the City of Durban.

But if there is to be real progress, then the actions of Nigel Gumede
(Chairperson of the Housing and Infrastructure Portfolio Committee) in that
meeting must be condemned. Gumede made angry and violent threats against S'bu
Zikode, AbM Chairperson. We must insist that for genuine partnership to be
built, it must be on the basis of respect for all people. The fragile prospects
of new beginnings in Durban cannot be undermined by Gumede's ongoing hostility
and disrespect. This sort of behaviour cannot be allowed to impede the full
flowering of our democracy.

Issued by: Bishop Rubin Phillip,
Bishop of the Diocese of Natal, Anglican Church of Southern Africa.
Date: 18 October 2011

Endorsed by: Church Land Programme with unanimous support from all participants
at the Diakonia Council of Churches reflection day on prophetic ministry, being
held today at Marianhill, KZN.