South Africa: Meeting to develop CEDAW project document

The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) Southern Africa Regional Office is planning a consultation meeting to develop a CEDAW project document. This meeting is scheduled to be held in Johannesburg from 4 to 5 November 2008.
Although the focus will be on CEDAW, consideration will be given to incorporating activities regarding the Women’s Protocol and the SADC Protocol.

4 – 5 NOVEMBER 2008


The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) Southern Africa Regional Office is planning a consultation meeting to develop a CEDAW project document. This meeting is scheduled to be held in Johannesburg from 4 to 5 November 2008.
Although the focus will be on CEDAW, consideration will be given to incorporating activities regarding the Women’s Protocol and the SADC Protocol.
Countries to be covered are Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Lesotho, Malawi,Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambiaand Zimbabwe.

If you are based in one of the above-mentioned countries, involved in CEDAW-related activities and interested in attending, please e-mail the following information to Elize Delport ([email protected]) by 10 October 2008:
1) Name and contact details
2) Name of organization
3) A brief description of the CEDAW activities you or your organization are involved in
4) A brief description of the Women’s Protocol and / or SADC Protocol activities you or your organization are involved in
5) Please forward any documentation that you consider relevant (e.g annual reports highlighting CEDAW / Protocol activities)

Participant profile

About 25 participants from the following organisations / institutions will be selected and invited:

* Representatives from selected women’s organisations working in the area of gender and human rights.
* Representatives from the Gender Machineries.
* Representatives from the SADC Gender Unit, COMESA and IOC
* Gender experts