A third woman has reported Standard Group journalist and PEN Kenya Secretary General Tony Mochama to Nairobi's Central Police Station for alleged sexual assault. The alleged assault occurred on September 21st 2014, at the National Museum, during the Westgate Memorial Service of Storymoja Hay Festival. The OB Number is 74/17/3/2015.

This convergence will derive key proposals for social action for full transformation of the structures and relationships that lead to violence in Kenya. It is expected that the outcome of the dialogue will be tools for partners seeking to achieve long-term results to post conflict transformation in Africa.


The mobile revolution. Geopolitical power shifts. A radically altered global economy. As the world changes, so does the way people campaign for human rights. To remain effective, Amnesty International (AI) needs to respond and adapt. That’s why we’re strengthening our International Secretariat office in West and Central Africa. And why we need your campaigning expertise.

The November issue of the International Refugee Rights Initiative’s Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter (formerly the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter) is out. Find the full newsletter .

Are you heading out to Africa to carry out some research? Well, you are not the first one, as you might know. That has been going on for ages. But certain tendencies that insult the African people persist. Here are some:

The Summit in Dakar, Senegal, March 10-12, 2015 seeks to build a movement of like-minded institutions to transform the African higher education sector.

Fahamu has launched Mapinduzi Afrika Mailing List for progressive individuals and groups throughout the pan-African world to share their thoughts, experiences, events, strategies, struggles, opportunities and updates in the ongoing efforts to destroy entrenched oppressive, anti-people systems. Sign up!


The mobile revolution. Geopolitical power shifts. A radically altered global economy. The world is changing, and so is the way that people fight for their rights. In order to be effective, Amnesty International’s (AI) International Secretariat needs to change how we work. That’s why we have opened an East Africa Regional Office in Kenya. And why we need your field research expertise with us on the ground.

c c ABC

Over 65 experts and activists from different countries have written to the BBC in support of the documentary “Rwanda's untold story”, aired last October, which they say has significantly contributed to establishing previously ignored historical truth in the African Great Lakes Region. They want the UN to set up a mechanism to prosecute all persons responsible for horrendous crimes committed in the region since 1990.

International Conference on Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Environmental Ethics: Implications for Peace-building and Sustainable Development: 28-30 April 2015, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa.
