"People's Diplomacy, Non-violence and Reconciliation"
16th September - 7th October 2001. Closing date for applications: Thursday 31st May 2001. The three week course offers a great opportunity to become familiar with new concepts and ideas, to dialogue with peace and human rights activists from all over the world and to improve skills in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The number of participants is limited to thirty.
"People's Diplomacy, Non-violence and Reconciliation"
16th September - 7th October 2001
1. Introduction
2. Course programme 2001
3. Essential information
4. Application form
5. What is IUPIP?
6. IUPIP's activities
International University of Peoples' Institutions for Peace - IUPIP
Palazzo Adami
Piazza San Marco, 7
39068 Rovereto, TN
Tel: + 39 0464 424288
Fax: + 39 0464 424299
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Ref. 9th IUPIP Annual International Course: "People's Diplomacy,
Non-violence and Reconciliation"
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to bring the programme proposed by the International
University of Peoples' Institutions for Peace (IUPIP) to the attention of
your organisation.
The three week course offers a great opportunity to become familiar with new
concepts and ideas, to dialogue with peace and human rights activists from
all over the world and to improve skills in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
The number of participants is limited to thirty.
We would thus like to invite a member of your organisation to complete the
application form (NB. Section 3 should be completed and signed by the
director/executive officer of the organisation) and send it to us as soon as
possible and certainly before the deadline, which is Thursday 31st May.
At the end of June, all applicants will be notified by telephone, fax or
e-mail as to whether they have been selected. The applicant must then
confirm acceptance of the invitation within ten days. As the working
language is English, all participants are required to be able to speak and
write as such. Please refer to the section Essential Information for further
information on accommodation, finance and transport or else visit our web
site www.unimondo.org/iupip
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Giuliano Pontara
Director of IUPIP
Chair of IUPIP Scientific Committee
Pat Patfoort - Fireflower Centre for Non-violent Conflict Management,
Beryl Carby-Mutambirwa - Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom, Switzerland
Alessandra Zendron - Regional Councillor, Trentino Alto Adige, Italy
Charles Villa-Vicencio - Executive Director, Institute for Justice and
Reconciliation, South Africa
Alejandro Bendana - Director, Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Nicaragua
Chaiwat Satha-Anand - Thammasat University, Thailand
Giuliano Pontara University of Stockholm, Sweden
Two sessions are scheduled every day, in the morning from 09.00 to 12.30 and
in the afternoon from 15.00 to 18.30, including half-hour breaks in the middle.
The programme includes lectures on one hand and workshops, group work,
brainstorms and exchange of experiences on the other.
(16th - 23rd September)
People's Diplomacy, Conflict Transformation and
Grassroots Activism in a Global Context
Pat Patfoort
Beryl Carby-Mutambirwa
Sunday 16 September
Monday 17
Morning Welcome
Guided tour of Rovereto
Afternoon Personal introductions and group building (Patfoort)
Tuesday 18
Morning Dealing with identity and differences (Patfoort)
Afternoon Transforming a conflict-torn society (Patfoort)
Wednesday 19
Morning Individuals as peacemakers (Patfoort)
Afternoon The power of the people (Patfoort)
Thursday 20
Morning Participants present their organisation explaining their role in
it (Carby- Mutambirwa)
Afternoon Videos of participants' organisations and projects (Carby -
Friday 21
Morning Effective fundraising and networking (Carby-Mutambirwa)
Afternoon Continued
Saturday 22
Morning The non-violent resolution of the ethnic conflict in Trentino
Alto-Adige (Zendron)
Afternoon Free
Sunday 23 Free
(24th - 30th September)
Alejandro Bendana
Charles Villa Vicencio
Monday 24
Morning Reconciliation and Re-integration: theory and practice (Bendana)
Afternoon Continued
Tuesday 25
Morning Seminar continued (Bendana)
Afternoon Continued (Bendana)
Wednesday 26
Morning Meetings with students from local schools
Afternoon Free
Thursday 27
Morning Reconciliation: A concept that Confuses, Lures and Eludes
(Villa Vicencio)
Afternoon Getting on with life: Reconciliation in Practice (Villa
Friday 28
Morning Truth and Reconciliation (Villa Vicencio)
Afternoon In search of a Methodology: Tests, Trials and Experiments (Villa
Saturday 29 Free
Sunday 30 Excursion
(1st - 7th October)
Non-violence: concepts, politics, futures
Chaiwat Satha-Anand
Giuliano Pontara
Monday 1 October
Morning Friends/Enemies, Political Community and Forgiveness
Afternoon Continued
Tuesday 2
Morning Non-violent actions and non-violent persons (Pontara)
Afternoon Continued
Wednesday 3
Morning Meetings with students from local schools
Afternoon Free
Thursday 4
Morning Analysing Non-violence: Case Studies from Asia, Africa and
America (Satha-Anand)
Afternoon Continued
Friday 5
Morning Workshop: Imagining non-violent futures (Satha-Anand)
Afternoon Continued
Saturday 6
10.00-12.00 Debriefing, Course evaluation (Pontara)
17.00 Public Ceremony at the Peace Bell - Colle di Miravalle - Rovereto
Evening Goodbye party
Sunday 7 Departures
- The number of participants will be confined to thirty, at least half of
whom will be women.
- A balance will be sought between participants from "developed" and
"developing" countries.
- Fluency in English is required.
- Priority for admission to the 2001 International course will be given to
applicants who are active
members of NGOs or other social movements involved in reconciliation,
non-violence and people's
- Each participant is requested to submit a short paper (3-5 pages) not
later than two weeks before the
beginning of the course. The paper should deal with some topic closely
related to those treated in
the course.
- Participants must arrive on Sunday 16th September and leave on Sunday 7th
October. There is no
option for late arrival. Participants must remain for the scheduled
- Participation in all sessions is requested.
- Successful applicants are requested to confirm their participation to the
IUPIP Secretariat by fax or
e-mail not later than ten days after receiving notice of acceptance.
- Confirmation is understood to entail acceptance of the above conditions.
- Successful completion of the course will be marked by the awarding of a
Certificate ofAchievement.
- The seat of IUPIP and the location of the course are in Rovereto. The
course is held in the 16th
Century Palazzo Adami situated in the centre of the city. Rovereto
(included in the Italian network of
local government units for peace) has about 33,000 inhabitants.
- The city is located in Northern Italy, in the beautiful Adige valley
surrounded by mountains and not
far from lake Garda. It takes less than one hour by train to Verona and
about two and a half hours to
Venice or Milan.
- Accommodation expenses (including meals) for those admitted to the course
will be covered by IUPIP. A vegetarian option is available.
- Applicants whose organisations are not able to cover their travel expenses
are asked to indicate so at the end of section 2 of the application form.
IUPIP will consider the possibility of partial or total coverage of such
expenses taking the geographical area of origin of the
applicant into account.
- Participants will be accommodated in double rooms at Hotel Leon d'Oro
which is located a few minutes walk both from the railway station and from
Palazzo Adami.
Director - Giuliano Pontara
Co-ordinating staff - Jane Price, Paola Pegoretti
Address -
IUPIP Secretariat
Palazzo Adami
Piazza San Marco, 7
38068 Rovereto (TN)
Phone +39/0464 424288 - Fax +39/0464 424299
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: www.unimondo.org/iupip
4. APPLICATION FORM (please copy and paste section 4 only in your reply
Closing date for applications: Thursday 31st May 2001
Family name (surname):
First name:
City and country of birth:
Home address:
Home telephone (including international code):
e-mail (please specify if personal or work):
Name, telephone, address of person to be notified in case of emergency:
Mother tongue:
Other languages you speak fluently:
To be answered by candidates whose mother tongue IS NOT English -
The course will be conducted entirely in English therefore it is important
that all participants are reasonably fluent. Please answer the questions at
the END of the general application form describing carefully your ability to
understand, speak and write English.
Please give the name, title and full address of two persons (not related to
you) who could provide information on your qualifications, knowledge of
English and motivation to participate in the IUPIP course.
Section 2 - Information from the APPLICANT
NB . Please answer the following as fully as possible attaching another page
if necessary. Remember that the more detailed your answers, the more
carefully your application will be considered.
Educational background:
Previous International experiences:
Have you participated in courses of this kind before? (if so, please
How long have you been working in your organisation? Describe your work and
What do you expect to gain from this course?:
What do you expect to contribute to this course?:
Please indicate whether you or your organisation will cover your travel
(NB. IUPIP covers all accommodation and living expenses during your stay in
Section 3 - Information from the ORGANISATION - to be completed by the
executive officer/director.
(NB If you fail to provide a valid contact telephone/fax number, your
application will automatically be considered void)
Name of the organisation:
Telephone (with international code):
Please specify the type of the organisation (INGO, NGO, grassroots
movement, network, foundation, resource and training centre, other..)
Please describe the aims and main activities of the organisation:
Please name any special activities closely connected with the topics of this
Do you have links with other NGOs? If so, please list the most important
If you have consultative status with Intergovernmental Organisations, please
Has any person from your organisation ever participated in the IUPIP
International Course before? If so, please give their name, year of
participation and their current position in the organisation:
Name of executive officer:
Do you produce an annual report? Please include a copy together with the
application form.
Finally please send us the most recent copy of a newsletter or periodical
that the organisation might have issued. Thank you very much.
Please answer all questions as fully as possible in your own words. (If you
are accepted please note that one of the course requirements is that you
will have to submit a short paper in English).
Where did you study English?
How long have you studied English?
How often do you use English and in what context (work, studies, free time,
Have you ever taken any recognised examinations in English (eg. Cambridge
First Certificate, TOEFL, or other)? If so, please describe giving year and
grades awarded:
Please describe your ability to express your views and take part in
How would you describe you level of listening comprehension? (Please note
that you will be working in English for three weeks so it is essential that
you understand a variety of accents):
Which do you find the easiest and the most difficult in English: reading,
writing, speaking or listening? Please explain your answers:
If you are selected, what are your plans after completing the IUPIP course?
NOTES - please give any other information you feel is relevant to your
application to the international course:
This application form should be posted, faxed or sent by e-mail to:
IUPIP Secretariat, Palazzo Adami,
Piazza San Marco, 7
Tel: +39 0464 424288
Fax: +39 0464 424299
E-mail: [email protected] (please copy and paste section 4 only in
your reply message)
web site: www.unimondo.org/iupip
If you are selected you will be notified by telephone, fax, post or e-mail
by the end of June.
You must then confirm your acceptance to attend within 10 days of notification.
Closing date for applications: Thursday 31st May 2001