ethiopia: ARTICLE 19 releases report on legal framework for freedom of expression

ARTICLE 19 has released a report on the current legal framework for freedom of expression in Ethiopia. ARTICLE 19 believes that the report will inform the ongoing dialogue in Ethiopia on the new draft press law. The Report presents an independent assessment of the current legal framework for freedom of expression in Ethiopia and identifies the key areas of concern in relation to freedom of expression.

IFEX - News from the international freedom of expression community


14 February 2003

ARTICLE 19 releases report on legal framework for freedom of expression


**Updates IFEX alerts of 10 February and 21 January 2003**

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) - The following is a 13 February 2003 ARTICLE 19 press

The Legal Framework for Freedom of Expression in Ethiopia

ARTICLE 19 today released a report on the current legal framework for
freedom of expression in Ethiopia. ARTICLE 19 believes that the report will
inform the ongoing dialogue in Ethiopia on the new draft press law.

The Report presents an independent assessment of the current legal framework
for freedom of expression in Ethiopia and identifies the key areas of
concern in relation to freedom of expression. The Report seeks to provide
guidance and recommendations for consideration by the government of Ethiopia
and other concerned parties with a view to prospective law reform or the
enactment of new laws.

The Report indicates that a number of provisions in the Ethiopian legal
framework are in breach of relevant international standards relating to
freedom of expression. The recommendations therefore call upon the
government of Ethiopia to take appropriate legislative and other measures to
comply with its international and constitutional obligations to give effect
to the right to freedom of expression and media freedom.

ARTICLE 19 believes that the current draft press law recently released by
the Ethiopian government also breaches international standards relating to
freedom of expression and makes the following recommendations:

- The government of Ethiopia should demonstrate its commitment to respect
freedom of expression by, inter alia, taking positive measures to improve
relations with the private media and to promote the development of a
responsible, independent and effective media sector.

- The government should refrain from manifesting open hostility towards the
private media and it should take positive measures to stop the arrest and
other forms of harassment of journalists.

- The current draft press law should be withdrawn and the Press Law of 1992
should be amended in consultation with private media workers and civil
society at large, through an open and transparency process.

- All criminal defamation laws should be abolished and replaced, where
necessary, with appropriate civil defamation laws.

ARTICLE 19 also urges private media workers to contribute to the development
of a responsible, independent and effective media sector by promoting higher
standards of professionalism and ethics, and by addressing the current state
of polarised relations by engaging in constructive dialogue with the

The report can be found on ARTICLE 19's website at

For further information contact John Barker, Africa Programme Director,
ARTICLE 19, tel: +27 11 403 1488, e-mail: [email protected], or Fatou
Jagne, Africa Programme Officer, e-mail: [email protected]

The information contained in this press release/update is the sole
responsibility of ARTICLE 19. In citing this material for broadcast or
publication, please credit ARTICLE 19.
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