As the preparations for the 23rd session of our International Human Rights Training Program go ahead we can expect an inspiring three-week program, and the opportunity to meet more than 100 participants from approximately 50 countries who will attend the IHRTP in 2002.


As the preparations for the 23rd session of our International Human Rights Training Program go ahead we can expect an inspiring three-week program, and the opportunity to meet more than 100 participants from approximately 50 countries who will attend the IHRTP in 2002.

The Canadian Human Rights Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1967, dedicated to the promotion of human rights through education in Canada and around the world. IHRTP helps organizations build their capacity to engage in human rights promotion and democratic development.

The goal of the IHRTP is to strengthen the capacity of human rights organizations to undertake educational efforts aimed at building a universal culture of human rights. Specifically, the objectives of the IHRTP are to enable participants to:

- Analyze the issues and situations encountered in the work of their organizations using a framework based on internationally accepted human rights values and principles;
- Explore ways in which human rights education can increase the effectiveness of their human rights work;
- Increase their capacity to apply their learning within their organizations and their society; and
- Facilitate networking and partnership activities essential to furthering the cause of human rights.

The curriculum is based on principles of adult experiential learning, in which participants and facilitators engage in a process of mutual teaching and learning.

In deciding who should apply, please bear in mind that the IHRTP is intended for human rights educators. Deadline for applications is 15 January, 2002.

For further inofrmation and application form please visit: www.chrf.ca.

DATE: 9-28 June, 2002
VENUE: Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, CANADA
CONTACT: Mr. Frédéric Hareau, IHRTP Program Officer, Canadian Human Rights Foundation
TEL.: (1-514) 954-0382
FAX: (1-514) 954-0659
E-MAIL: [email protected]
INTERNET: www.chrf.ca