
Stuffed and Starved 2nd edition

Author Raj Patel is updating 'Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System', bringing the statistics up to date, adding sections on land grabs, biofuels, food price rises, and food rebellions. He'll also be thinking a little harder about how China fits in to the global food picture. To do this, he'll need help, and is looking for a bright graduate student, or exceptionally bright undergraduate, who’d be willing to spend a couple of months working with him.

Researcher needed

Stuffed and Starved 2nd edition

Author Raj Patel is updating 'Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System', bringing the statistics up to date, adding sections on land grabs, biofuels, food price rises, and food rebellions. He'll also be thinking a little harder about how China fits in to the global food picture.

To do this, he'll need help, and is looking for a bright graduate student, or exceptionally bright undergraduate, who’d be willing to spend a couple of months working with him. He'd be able to pay a modest research assistant stipend for someone who:

* knows the subject area around the global food system (and has likely skimmed, if not read, Stuffed and Starved)

* is exceptionally well organized,

* can keep track of references in Endnote

* works very well independently,

* writes lucidly

* can commit to 2-3 months full time this summer

It’d also help if they know their way around the IMF, World Bank, FAO and USDA databases, and are a dab hand with tracking references down online, though this isn't a requirement. It doesn’t take long to pick up.

Send a CV and writing sample to [email protected]