Afrophobia: Letter to the National Association of Nigerian Students

“The actions by our siblings here in South Africa, particularly in Pretoria, when they target those black persons who are from other parts of the continent, are anti-black actions stemming from self-hatred caused by white supremacy.”
Revolutionary greetings to the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS)
I write to you in my capacity as the Secretary for Student Affairs for the Black First Land First (BLF) movement. I am writing to you in relation to the recent Afrophobic attacks in South Africa and the response by NANS in Nigeria.
As Black First Land First - Student Movement (BLF-SM), we note the revolutionary action taken by NANS to demand that South African businesses leave Nigeria within 48hrs, as a response to the anti-black Afrophobia currently taking place in South Africa.
We wish to inform you that the BLF-SM stands in solidarity with our black siblings who arrive in this neo-colony from across the diaspora as well as the African continent, including Nigeria. We recognize that these borders were created and serve as a tool by the white imperialist colonizers to separate us and foster self-hatred within the black community.
As BLF-SM, we locate ourselves as black landless poor people who remain under the scourge of white racism and subject to neo-colonial rule.
We further note that the actions by our siblings here in South Africa, particularly in Pretoria, when they target those black persons who are from other parts of the continent, are anti-black actions stemming from self-hatred caused by white supremacy.
As BLF-SM we continue to work towards fostering peace amongst blacks and waging war against the enemy. We locate the enemy as the white settler colonizer, which is represented through white-monopoly-capital.
BLF-SM is a Pan-Africanist movement which allows membership for all black people (Black people from across the continent and diaspora) and in this practical way we work for principled black unity toward black liberation.
When the incidents of black-on-black violence took place recently, our movement intervened and held community meetings which included those who consider themselves South African citizens and those who are from outside these oppressive borders.
As BLF-SM, ours is always to say "Peace Amongst Blacks, War Against The Enemy!"
We continue to say it’s not our siblings from outside these borders who stole land, our economy, our jobs and enslave us: it is Johann Rupert (CEO of Richemont), Pieter Engelbrecht (CEO Shoprite), Rob Shuter (CEO of MTN) and many other white land thieves who make us poor and landless.
For this reason we salute the revolutionary action taken by NANS, who correctly locate white owned business who operate in South Africa and use this land space both to oppress us as well as extend the oppression across the continent.
We salute NANS for not responding to the self-hatred by those who are Afrophobic with black-on-black violence; but instead have correctly highlighted white-monopoly-capital in the form of Shoprite, MTN and others, as the enemy of black people.
BLF-SM supports the call for the removal of all white owned South African business from Nigeria, and view it as revolutionary act against those who enslave us, and one which raises the revolutionary principle, peace amongst blacks, war against the enemy!
Revolutionary thanks as we continue to foster one Africa with a liberated people where we own our land and enjoy the fruits from the tree of liberation.
Yours in revolutionary struggle
Lindsay Maasdorp
BLF Secretary for Student Affairs
Cell: +27 79 915 2957
Mail: [email protected]