Statement on the passing of Nelson Mandela

One the important lessons from the life of Nelson Mandela, a former prisoner, is that ex-prisoners should be given all the support they need in order to make positive contributions to society

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PRUI offers this statement in tribute to Nelson Mandela who, despite his imperfections, must be recognized as a tireless advocate of justice and martyr for South Africa's liberation from white domination.

As a leader of the African National Congress, he suffered nearly three decades in a brutal South African dungeon for daring to demand political equality and an end to the apartheid government. There is something for Indiana, specifically, and America generally that can be learned from the life of Nelson Mandela. Because when he got out of prison and was treated as a returning citizen instead of an ex-felon he was able to develop from a prisoner into a president. This is the message of Prisoners Reformed United to specifically Indiana, and generally America. When a person has been convicted of a crime and served the time then society must remove all obstacles that hamper their development. Otherwise, intellectual wealth that can contribute to the positive development of the state and country will be most likely forced to not increase the wealth but will contribute to the ill health of society. PRUI is committed to making sure that this lesson from the life of Nelson Mandela is not lost in all the rightful pomp, circumstance, and fanfare that he so rightly deserves.

PRUI meets every third Monday of the month at:

Where: 1426 West 29th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46208

When: 6:30PM

For more information contact

Rev. Byron Vaughn 317-506-2944
[email][email protected]