Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter: January 2013 issue available
The Fahamu Refugee Programme is pleased to announce the January 2013 issue of the Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter. The issue can be found . Please feel free to share it widely.
In this issue:
Avaaz Community Petition to stop the invocation of the cessation clause for Rwandan refugees
News on Countries of Origin and Asylum
Reader Response: Rwanda, Zambia, Cessation
Deportation News
The purpose of RSDWatch, then and now
Kenya restricts refugees to camps, violating refugee rights
A Profile of a COI provider - a recommended organization
Mercosul countries sign commitment to common policies for refugees in the region
Regarding asylum policy, Norway is far from being the ‘first class’ in Europe
‘Vile liars and truth distorters’ – truth, trust and the asylum system
Special focus: Canada
CANADA: The crisis in funding legal support for refugees
CANADA: New refugee system does not treat refugees fairly or protect those most at risk
Special focus: Article 1F(c)
UK Legal News Analysis: When is an act contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN?
Casenote on Article 1F(c) ‘acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the UN’
ECRE/ELENA Legal Update: Recent European case law
Pro Asyl campaign against the adoption of the amended EU Reception Conditions Directive: ‘Flight is not a crime’
Violating the rights of deportees: why some deportations to African states amount to refoulement
An introduction to Frontex: Human Rights
Tanzania’s Mtabila camp closed, refugees repatriated against their will
Refugee resettlement from Kenya: perspectives from Kakuma and Nairobi
To be or not to be: the ‘environmental refugee’?
Calls for papers
Conferences and workshops
Grants and awards