New Path: African Forum for Intellectual thought - Call for articles
The NEW PATH: AFRICAN FORUM FOR INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT is published quarterly by the African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF) and provides a forum for innovative thinking about our common future and about how we need to tackle the most intractable problems facing Africa today – focusing on Eastern Africa. The editor invites your articles (opinion and analysis) for the March 2009 edition.
The NEW PATH: AFRICAN FORUM FOR INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT is published quarterly by the African Research and Resource Forum (ARRF) and provides a forum for innovative thinking about our common future and about how we need to tackle the most intractable problems facing Africa today – focusing on Eastern Africa.
NEW PATH provides Eastern Africa with an opportunity to discuss African issues, aimed at a broad audience, from the perspective of rigorous intellectual thought and inquiry, so as to shed imaginative light on African affairs, both past and present. It is erected on the foundation of editorial independence, and the promotion of original and rigorous thinking on alternative paths for effecting fundamental change in Eastern African politics and governance, economic development capable of eliminating mass poverty, and contemporary trends in our arts, culture and humanities.
The editor invites your articles (opinion and analysis) for the March 2009 edition. This edition of ‘New Path’ will cover the following areas:
1. Post-Conflict Reconstruction in societies emerging from conflicts in Eastern Africa, especiallySomalia and Southern Sudan.
2. The 2007 General Elections in Kenya and the ensuing political crisis: Impact, Responses and Lessons for East Africa.
3. Higher Education in Eastern Africa.
4. Linking Research and Policy uptake in Science and Technology.
Please send us your articles of not more than one thousand (1,000) words to: [email][email protected]
Honoraria: ARRF will pay modest honoraria for the published articles.