Formation of the citizens assembly

Invitation from CCR Kenya

You are invited to take part in the formation of the citizens Assembly to lay out the framework for enacting a new constitution. Kenya can and will rise again. But this is only possible if there is a democratic constitution in place to institutionalize good governance. The citizens Assembly is scheduled to be launched on April 9-10,2008 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The structure and agenda of the assembly will be discussed in a web-forum scheduled for Saturday, March 1, 2008, 5pm-7pm Kenya Time (+3hrs GMT), 9am-11am Eastern-- New York Time (-5hrs GMT). This will be followed by The Way Forward forums in USA, Canada, UK, Sweden and Kenya, between March 15-31, 2008. Organizers urge all concerned to step on the path that leads Kenya towards genuine democratic transformation. For more info Tegi Obanda +1-613-316-5501(International Coordinator) or Peter Kironyoh +254-722-685830 (National Coordinator)