Post of HIC General Secretary

Job Title: Post of HIC General Secretary
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Organization: Habitat International Coalition
Closing Date for Applications: 30 June 2001
Contact Details: The Secretariat, Habitat International Coalition, P.O. Box 34519, Groote Schuur 7937, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 27 21 696 2205 Fax: 27 21 696 2203

The Board of Directors of Habitat International Coalition (HIC) wishes to appoint HIC's new General Secretary expected to join duty in 2001.

The enclosed job description provides details of work involved, qualification of the candidate, terms of engagement, etc. It also provides a brief introduction to HIC and its work.

If you are interested kindly apply with required details at your earliest (before/on 30th June 2001). If you know someone with required qualification, interest and skills do request her/him to apply. You may also consider to nominate/ recommend/ suggest someone if you know both HIC and the person well enough.

HIC greatly appreciates your assistance in search of its General Secretary.

HIC Secretariat
On behalf of Board of Directors of HIC

Habitat International Coalition (HIC)
PO Box 34519 Groote Schuur 7937
Cape Town, South Africa
TEL: +27 21 696 2205/07
FAX: +27 21 696 2203
[email protected]

The Organization
Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is an independent, international non profit Coalition with more than 300 organizations and 100 individual members >from more than 80 countries of the world. Members include NGOs, CBOs, academic and research institutions and other civil society bodies working in the area of human settlements. HIC coordinates with many partners which include other international non-governmental organizations, federations of community organizations, local bodies networks, UN agencies and programmes, etc. Many of its activities are managed through the HIC Committees on Housing Rights, Habitat and Environment, Women and Shelter, Housing Finance and through its Regional Focal Points. Shelter, settlements, environment, gender, poverty and sustainable development are HIC's main areas of interest and involvement. Strengthening civil society role in development and advocacy for institutional change, community empowerment and pro-poor and people centred development are HIC's main thrust areas.
The Role of the General Secretary
The General Secretary of HIC is the chief administrative functionary, a paid employee, responsible to the Board. She/he is the legal representative in charge of overall management of the organization and day-to-day running of its activities. Responsibility for the administration of the HIC Secretariat include staff recruitment and training, activity planning, work supervision, resource mobilisation, budget control and communication with members, associates and partners. On a broader level, the General Secretary assumes a proactive leadership role within HIC, within the overall human settlements sector and within the civil society movement, especially the NGO community.
A: Her/his responsibilities include the following:
1. Coordination of HIC Activities:
· Co-ordination among Regional Focal Points, Thematic Committees, New Initiatives, HIC Board, Committees and the office bearers
· Co-ordination with partner agencies such as international development organizations, donor agencies, related movements, networks, foundations, etc.
· Organizing and servicing Annual General Assembly, Board and other meetings.
· Preparation of annual work plan and reporting to members, partners, funders.
· Organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings, campaigns, studies, special missions, etc.
· Administration of the Secretariat
· Development of special projects and activities
2. Work related to coalition building and strengthening the organization:
· Representing HIC in national, regional and international events.
· Promoting membership: Enrolling new members; maintaining contact with members; keeping them informed and facilitating their participation in activities; maintenance of database on members and their activities.
· Establishing relations and synergy with other actors with similar/ complementary objectives and work.
· Building bridges among HIC members and associates and between them and others
· Stimulating, formation and strengthening of national and regional organizations linked to HIC.
3. Communications and information dissemination:
I. Relevant information collection and dissemination to members, associates, partners and supporters on issues, organizations, activities, policies, programmes, projects, etc.
II. Publication of HIC Newsletter and other publications
III. Preparation and circulation of policy documents, reports, statements and studies in support of advocacy and other works to advance HIC objectives, policies, and platforms
IV. Preparation of promotional material: brochure, reports, articles, press material, etc.
4. Management of finances
· Preparation of budget and maintenance of accounts
· Raising funds for the secretariat and necessary for HIC's functional organs, special activities, projects, studies, research, etc. Collection of membership fees, sale of publications, etc. Funds to be raised from donors, public campaigns, development agencies, private sector, members, interested governments and government agencies, communities, etc.
· Cultivating and maintaining relation with supporters, funders, etc.
· Supervision and coordination of fund raising and related action by HIC committees and activities
The General Secretary's position requires full time commitment to the organization, capacity for hard work; ability to listen; empathy with the poor; orientation to and experience in advocacy and development work; a desire to learn and share; commitment to working in a team in a non hierarchical and decentralized manner, and a high moral character and ethical fibre.
The job requires generally the following qualifications:
§ A sound and comprehensive knowledge of the human settlements sector and core issues
§ Work experience in comparable position in organization/s with similar objectives and agenda
§ Good written and oral communication skills.
§ An ability to communicate and negotiate with authorities, decision makers, opinion makers, etc. at all levels. Also with HIC members, member organizations, NGOs, CBOs, civil society groups, private sector, etc.
§ Public relations skill
§ Fluency in English and preferably atleast one other international language
§ Skill and experience in administration, staff and financial management
§ Availability, willingness and stamina for local and international travel
§ Computer skills
Terms: The General Secretary's post is for a four year term extendable to two terms, if mutually agreed. The terms of engagement includes one year probation period.
The secretariat is currently located in Cape Town, South Africa. If shift in venue of the Secretariat is deemed necessary by the HIC Board, the corresponding arrangement will be worked out in consultation with the appointed candidate. Fulltime availability of the candidate is therefore of cardinal importance given the constraints of job i.e. travel and possible relocation.
Salary: Commensurate with background, training, skills and experience of the candidate and suitable to international nature of HIC’s work. It will be also in relation to the host country standard of living and salary structure. Current package: US$ 3500.00.
Please e-mail your Application/Nomination/Recommendation/Suggestion with full details, including expected salary and other facilities/benefits, to the following on or before 30 June 2001.

The Secretariat, Habitat International Coalition, P.O. Box 34519, Groote Schuur 7937, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: 27 21 696 2205 Fax: 27 21 696 2203, email: [email protected]