Nigeria: Case study researcher
Res Publica ( is hiring a short-term, country-specific, case-study researcher for a project exploring e-advocacy and technology use by civil society in Nigeria. This is a 4-6 week project.
Res Publica ( is hiring a short-term, country-specific, case-study researcher for a project exploring e-advocacy and technology use by civil society in Nigeria. This is a 4-6 week project. To apply, submit (via email) a resume and cover letter, indicating your country of interest, to:
Alan Rosenblatt
[email][email protected]
Dates: 4-6 week project
Salary: $2,500
Application Deadline: ASAP
Start Date: ASAP
Primary duties include:
• Conducting research on the status of technology use for advocacy purposes by civil society in the specific country;
• Mapping out key scholars, activists, and organizations working in the e-advocacy field in the specific country;
• Conducting primary source interviews with intermediary organizations, scholars, activists, and leading figures in the ICT field;
• Submitting a case-study of the specific country
• Language-specific skills for the country;
• Habitation in the specific country is beneficial, but not essential;
• Relevant experience, background, and general knowledge of the technology and ICT field, especially e-advocacy use by civil society in developing countries, is useful but not essential;
• Research experience;
• Excellent writing and editing skills;
• Ability to work well under pressure and deadline