Black Arts Quarterly

Call for Papers

Our Spring/Summer issue "Which Black Woman Inspired You?" celebrates the many talents that have come to us through black women, and it also paid tribute to all those who came before us, ensuring that today's black women would live longer and stronger. We are now welcoming submissions that further develop themes about the position, power and potential of the black individual in Africa and in America in particular. Topics should not be limited, however, to the two continents, as we welcome submissions from all around the world.

Black Arts Quarterly
International CALL FOR PAPERS

Deadline: October 1, 2004

"The I in Africa and America: Identity Politics and (Eye) Vision"

Our Spring/Summer issue "Which Black Woman Inspired You?" celebrates the
many talents that have come to us through black women, and it also paid
tribute to all those who came before us, ensuring that today's black women
would live longer and stronger. We are now welcoming submissions that
further develop themes about the position, power and potential of the
Individual in Africa and in America in particular. Topics should not be
limited, however, to the two continents, as we welcome submissions from
around the world. The Black Arts Quarterly seeks to publish written work
(preferably) less than 15-20 pages (double-spaced) that explores the
perspective that individuals may have on their relationship to 'America'
and/ or 'Africa.' The phonetic pun is intended - I implies matters of
Identity politics and subjectivity, whereas the Eye stands for our ability
to see, perceive, and interpret visual culture. We encourage you to adjust
these metaphors in order to tell your own story, which may be a story of
loyalty, panafricanism, (dis)identification, utopia, or other. You may
this opportunity to reflect on an individual that has made a remarkable
difference, or you may reflect more personally on the potential difference
that everyone can make.

We welcome all genres ­ academic writing, essays, poetry, prose, fiction,
creative nonfiction, photography and more. Please see the Committee on
Black Performing Arts web site for more information and the current issue
of the Black Arts Quarterly.

Send photographs of visual submissions (and a disk with digitized photos
art work in gif, jpeg, or tiff format) with a self-addressed, stamped
envelope to ensure return. Literary submissions are to be in Microsoft
All submissions must be accompanied by a 2-4 sentence author bio.
All text submissions are subject to editorial alteration.

Please send submissions to:
Black Arts Quarterly, Editor, Harmony House ­ 561 Lomita Drive, Stanford
University, Stanford 94305 or email: [email protected]