SANGONeT Web Internship
SANGONeT is pleased to announce that it is once again offering an opportunity for a motivated young South African to develop ICT skills and gain valuable work experience during a twelve-month internship programme.
The SANGONeT internship programme provides on-the-job, as well
as more formal ICT training and work experience.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the following tasks
and activities:
- Coding new documents in html for posting on a website;
- Logistical and administrative support to Web Department staff;
- Filing and in-house information management;
The candidate should possess the following skills:
- Strong motivation to gain experience in Web publishing;
- Good computer proficiency;
- Good organisational skills;
- Proficiency in English and at least one African language;
- Basic web skills (html, ftp, graphics) would be an advantage.
The position is for a nine-month period with the option of an added
three-month extension. A generous stipend is provided. No benefits
Applications, including details of previous relevant experience,
qualifications and an expression of why you are interested in and
appropriate for this position, should reach the SANGONeT Web
Manager (see below) by Wednesday, 18 July 2001. Interviews will be
scheduled shortly thereafter.
Address all applications to:
Joseph George
Web Manager
P O Box 31
Tel: (011) 838-6943
Fax: (011) 492-1058
E-mail: [email protected]