Nigeria: President launches CANI

President Olusegun Obasanjo on July 6 2006, launched the Computer for All Nigerians Initiative (CANI) aimed at easing access to, and use of computers amongst all Nigerians in irrespective of class, age gender and location. He said the objective of the CANI scheme is to increase computer penetration in Nigeria in line with the National ICT policy, the multi-sectoral reform agenda of government and the realisation of the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals.

President Olusegun Obasanjo on July 6 2006, launched the Computer for All Nigerians Initiative (CANI) aimed at easing access to, and use of computers amongst all Nigerians in irrespective of class, age gender and location.

President Obasanjo explained that the scheme is his administration's social programme designed to assist individual employee in both public and private sectors to purchase personal computers and laptops at discounted prices under affordable and convenient repayment plan.

He said the objective of the CANI scheme is to increase computer penetration in Nigeria in line with the National ICT policy, the multi-sectoral reform agenda of government and the realisation of the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

"I believe CANI will stimulate a vibrant local industry in hardware and software, employment generation, poverty alleviation, wealth creation as well as capacity building Nigrian workforce. In addition, it will engender an enabling environment for more electronic services such as e-Business,
e-Government, and e-payments", he stated.

President Obasanjo commended the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology National Technology Development Agency (NITDA), Microsoft and INTEL for collaborating on the scheme; saying is a clear demonstration of this Administration's commitment to promoting a robust public-private partnership towards the re-engineering of the socio-economic infrastructure of the country.