Globalization and Water Management: Call for Papers

First Call for Papers (abstracts due April 30th, 2001)

Hosted by Dundee University Water Law and Policy
Programme & American Water Resources Association
University of Dundee, Scotland,
August 6th-8th, 2001

First Call for Papers (abstracts due April 30th, 2001)

"Globalization and Water Management: The
Changing Value of Water"

Hosted by Dundee University Water Law and Policy
Programme & American Water Resources Association

University of Dundee,
August 6th-8th, 2001,

To discuss the impacts of globalization on water
management in the early 21st century, providing an
opportunity for an interdisciplinary approach to water

resources management (law, policy, economics and

* Examine models of integrating law, policy,
economics and science.

* Present emerging state of the art approaches to the
valuation of water resources.

* Review the changing trends of ownership and control
of water resources.

* Identify practical actions and management strategies

to deal with the projected stresses on water resources
examples of true integrated land and water

* Examine water law issues, such as problems with
existing legislation, enforcement mechanisms,
incentives for compliance, dispute avoidance

For full conference announcement and electronic
submittal of asbtracts, see