Kenya: Consultant: Baseline survey on SGBV in Kibera Slums - CREAW

CREAW is a non-governmental, non-partisan, membership organization based in Nairobi, Kenya. Our Vision is to realize a just and free society in which women and men have, exercise and enjoy equal, full rights and opportunities. CREAW's mission is to transform society by empowering and expanding new frontiers for Women's rights and freedoms. The organization also seeks to expand the legislative and policy framework through Lobbying and Advocacy for laws and policies that enshrine women rights whilst, its research and documentation work
lays a framework for more ground breaking interventions against gender based violence and discrimination.

Consultant Needed: baseline survey on SGBV in Kibera Slums
Terms of Reference

A baseline survey on SGBV in Kibera Slums

CREAW is a non-governmental, non-partisan, membership organization based in Nairobi, Kenya. Our Vision is to realize a just and free society in which women and men have, exercise and enjoy equal, full rights and opportunities. CREAW’s mission is to transform society by empowering and expanding new frontiers for Women’s rights and freedoms. The organization also seeks to expand the legislative and policy framework through Lobbying and Advocacy for laws and policies that enshrine women rights whilst, its research and documentation work lays a framework for more ground breaking interventions against gender based violence and discrimination.

Over the last number of years, CREAW has been implementing community awareness/empowerment programmes in Kibera with a focus to end gender based violence. CREAW intends to establish an outreach programme based in Kibera. The objectives of the program are to increase awareness among grass root communities on women human rights, to implement expedient handling and prosecution of SGBV within Kibera and to encourage proactive community based approaches towards preventing and reducing SGBV.

In this regard, CREAW intends to carry out a research to establish facts and statistics of SGBV in Kibera slums which will form a basis through which CREAW will be able to implement the project and in the end achieve the objectives.
One of the major assumptions that the research will verify is that, there is a Sexual Offences Act which affords women some legal redress against the mind bogging prevalence of sexual violence in Kenya. It has criminalized rape, defilement, sex tourism and sexual harassment. The attorney General appointed a 27- member task force to implement to implement the act through training the judiciary, prosecutors, police officers and health workers on provisions of the new act. However, even after 3 years, the act is still not well known and has not been well domesticated. Many law enforcement officers and the general community are not trained on, or ignore the law. Implementation of the act remains limited and sexual offences remain largely underreported.
To be effective, the act needs to be understood by much wider segment of the Kenyan society.

The research will collect valid information about SGBV in Kibera which will guide implementation of the outreach program that will be done with a pool of paralegals who will be based at the community level and shall work to eliminate sexual and gender based violence that violates rights of women and girls.

Specifically, the evaluation will undertake the following:
1. To identify forms and the extent of SGBV that exist in Kibera including any reporting mechanisms already in place
2. To assess community’s level of awareness on SGBV and the Sexual offences act
3. To assess existence of any approaches or efforts by both community and external bodies to address SGBV and identify strengths and gaps of the same
4. To assess community’s role in response to and prevention of SGBV
5. To check or evaluate the impact of Post election violence on SGBV
6. Make recommendations on the basis of 1-5 above to guide project operations and impact.

The consultant will undertake the following tasks:
1. Develop appropriate data collection tools and pre-testing
2. Review secondary data like any available SGBV statistics for Kibera, networking, donor approved project proposals and reports;
3. Review current partnership with other agencies under comic relief like Kibera women network, Kenya Girl Guides Association, Uzima Foundation , SIDAREC (Slums Information Development And Resource Centers) and determine how to strengthen this collaboration;
4. Interview general community in Kibera to measure level of knowledge on SGBV and Sexual Offences act , information penetration and expected project impact;
5. Interviewing specific groups in Kibera such as women, men and youth groups, leaders and other key informants to get their input
6. Assessing resource capacity, the available legislation SGBV (Sexual Offences Act 2006), link it to the reality in Kibera and establish whether it has had any impact, and what can be done to domesticate and make it more relevant to the environment in Kibera;
7. Studying the impact of SGBV on individual girls and women and their families;
8. Evaluating the level of collaboration among CREAW programs in combating SGBV in Kibera

1. 2 days of pre-testing data collection tools in Kibera;
2. 18 days of actual data collection;
3. The draft report to be submitted in 5 days after the survey for
CREAW to add input
4. Final report/ Publication should be presented in 10 days after receipt of draft report.

The report will be in both soft copy and hard copy and should include
the following
1. Background
2. Abstract
3. Research methodology used
4. Actual report
5. Summary of findings
6. Recommendations
8. Annexes

1) Simple , precise and clear presentation of data in tables, charts, etc;
2) Tools of data collection, both qualitative and quantitative. These shall include questionnaires, interview guides, data analysis software, etc

The consultant is advised to use an assortment of techniques and tools for effective baseline assessment. Accordingly, both quantitative and qualitative methodologies will be used, based on such methods as semi-structured interviews, observation, review of secondary data, focus group discussions, key informant interviews, case studies, and any other technique the consultant finds necessary.

The estimated duration for the assignment will be 20 days, including preparation and field travel.

Qualifications of the consultant
The consultant will have competencies in the following areas:
1. A degree in social sciences;
2. Gender development and analysis;
3. Strong background SGBV and human rights;
4. Previous experience in working on SGBV;
5. Excellent report writing skills;
6. The consultant should be willing to work with the project staff throughout the process.

Those who qualify and are interested should send (or deliver) an application letter, curriculum vitae (CV) and copies of relevant certificates & testimonials to:

The Selection Committee,
Convent drive, Lavington off Isaac Gathanju Road
(100 meters from Lavington Green)
CREAW, P.O. Box 11964-00100, GPO
Tel. 020-3860640/3861016
E-mail: [email protected]
Applications must be received on or before Wednesday 4th March 2009 at 5.00pm

Applicants must provide reliable telephone/ mobile contacts. Only
short-listed candidates will be contacted directly