Why should you care? Because e pluribus unum, means “out of many one.” There is strength in our diversity.
- Tagged under Human Security North America African Americans
Muhammad Ali passed away on June 3 after a decades-long battle against Parkinson’s disease.
Tagged under Arts & Books Muhammad Ali, Boxing, Racism, African AmericansWith the last two months of primaries and caucuses in approximately twenty states, the role of African Americans is pivotal.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism African Americans, US elections 2016, Bernie Sanders, Hilary ClintonThis piece is indeed part of work in progress and is only presented here because of the recent interview of US President Barack Obama in The Atlantic magazine (Jeffery Goldberg, ‘The Obama Doctrine’, The Atlantic, April 2016 Issue).
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Biafra, Biafra war, African Americans, Genocide, Barack Obama