Refugee newspaper staff receive death threats

Staff at the Kakuma News Reflector, an independent refugee newspaper, are once again receiving death threats because of their work, writes Qaabata Boru from Kakuma Camp in Kenya.

We are facing insecurity in the matters in which problems escalate
from some individuals within Ethiopian - Oromo community whom have
grown powerful to be stopped which made us to worry of what is behind
this Notion all year round and there is no solution?

Since, the last phone death threats from Australian, similar unfolding
incidents goes round in Kakuma from my perpetrators and some
individual inciters within Oromo’s and its local security and leaders
who have so far managed to write false accusations against myself in
the several Humanitarian Agencies including the police station here,
they behavoured in more close ties with the police and their
motivators whom are both from Australia and at Kakuma level.

We are so much afraid about this situation and takes liberty to let
you all know just in case of further likely troubles;

This has haltered the smooth operation for the continuation of a
Refugee Free Press at Kakuma Camp and traumatizing scenarios.