Debate: Voices from the South African Left number 11

The latest edition includes:
- South African public service workers in biggest strike ever - Briggs Bomba
- The apartheid wall and the vanquished bantustans: can liberation movements deliver freedom? - Claire Ceruti
- Joining the freedom march: from Mauritius to Palestine - Alain Ah-Vee
- Putting paid to financial aid: student struggles today - Prishani Naidoo
- Direct action: housing battles in post-apartheid South Africa - Martin Legassick

debate: Voices from the South African Left number 11


South African public service workers in biggest strike ever - Briggs Bomba
The apartheid wall and the vanquished bantustans: can liberation movements deliver freedom? - Claire Ceruti Joining the freedom march: from Mauritius to Palestine - Alain Ah-Vee
Putting paid to financial aid: student struggles today - Prishani Naidoo
Direct action: housing battles in post-apartheid South Africa - Martin Legassick
'If we had our own toilets and water, we would become real people'. Voices from E Cape squatter camps - Jan K. Coetzee
South Africa and the India-Brazil-South Africa initiative - Darlene Miller
South African subimperialism and NEPAD's dénouement - Patrick Bond
Literacy and social justice - Monica Hendricks
The state of state repression in South Africa - Jane Duncan

Individual copies: if not in your local book store, please ask them to order it from Angela McClelland, STE Publishers, 011 484 7824 / [email protected] ISSN 1027-4162

Subscriptions and back issues: information from Caroline O'Reilly, 011 837 1087 / [email protected]

Submissions for debate 12 and 13 very welcome - articles, reviews, poems, creative writing, photo essays etc. Contact any of the editorial collective -

Bridget Kenny [email protected]
Ulrike Kistner [email protected]
Darlene Miller [email protected]
Noor Nieftagodien [email protected]
Caroline O'Reilly [email protected]
Greg Ruiters [email protected]
Carina van Rooyen [email protected]