Rwanda: The History of the Genocide in Gahini Sector

With the resumption of the Gacaca trials on March 10 2005, African Rights has released the sixth report in the series on the history of the genocide in the 12 original pilot sectors. This series was formulated with the aim of providing a background against which the results of the trials can be measured and can exist as a shared point of reference for all residents. Already published during the earlier phases of gacaca are the reports on Gishamvu, Nyarugunga, Nkomero, Nyange and Kindama sectors.

This particular report looks at Gahini sector, which at the time of the genocide was in Rukara commune in Kibungo province. With the redrawing of the administrative boundaries, Gahini now lies in Rukara district in Umutara province. As with all other previous reports, this one is based on the collective testimonies of prisoners, survivors and local people who witnessed the unfolding of the genocide.

Among the key perpetrators implicated in this region is Jean-Baptiste Mpambara, at the time bourgmestre of Rukara. He is currently detained in Arusha. French and Kinyarwanda copies of this report will soon be available. Contact [email protected] for more information or a copy of the report.