For Sale: a Small Africana library, mostly on Nigeria

I have recently purchased some books and journals that may be of interest to Africanists, or anybody interested in Nigerian literature and academia. If you know anybody who may be interested in purchasing these, please have them contact me at this address. Thanks. Most of the materials range in period from 1937-the early 1970s.

I have recently purchased some books and journals that may be of interest to Africanists, or anybody interested in Nigerian literature and acedemia. If you know anybody who may be interested in purchasing these, please have them contact me at this address. Thanks. Most of the materials range in period from 1937-the early 1970s. They are:

Nigeria A Quarterly Magazine of General Interest 1947 no. 26 ( missing 29, 30, 32, 35, 38, 40, 46, 47). All other issues. 1947- 1955 all in good or reasonable condition. Published by the University of Nigeria.

Nigeria. A Quarterly. Issues: 71- 75. December 1961 - December 1962. Also issue 80, and several copies of Nigeria. A Special Independence Issue October 1960.

1 copy of Caribbean Quarterly. Volume 4, no.38 Trinidad Carnival Issue. 1958. Featuring poetry by EL Braithwaite.

Booklets on the Art of Ife, produced by the Nigerian Museum 1955.

Archaeology and Nigeria. Inaugural lecture by Thurston Shaw. Ibadan University Press. Signed by author.

Joyce Carey’s Africa. Hardback. By MM Mahood.
Methuen. 1st Edition. 1964.

African Universities and Western Tradition. By Eric Ashby. Godkin lectures at Harvard. 1964.

Varied issues of The Nigerian Teacher. 1950s.
Origins of the University of Nigeria. Address by Dr.Nnamdi Azikiwe. June 1963. 1copy.

Photoessay book by William Tugs and the British Museum on Divine Kingship in Africa. 1 copy.

Western Education and the Nigerian cultural Background. Otonti Nduka. 1 copy. University of Nigeria in Ntsukka. 1964. Oxford University Press.

100 years of British Rule in Nigeria. 1851-1951. by Onkwuka Dike. Lugard Lectures in 1960. Published by the federal Ministry of Information.One copy.

The Sundowner Issue. 1958-1959. Magazine of the Student Body of the Imperial college of Tropical Agriculture. 1 copy.

Regional Mobility and resource development in West Africa. Akin.L. Mabogunje. McGill University. Keith Calland lectures.

Issues of The Nigerian Field Society. Flor, fauna and culture of Nigeria. 1957-1971.

Issues of Nigeria Journal of Science. 1960-1973.
Statistical and Economic review. Published by the United Africa Company. 1951-1954.