'Structural Stability in an African Context' by Robert Kappel , Andreas Mehler and Henning Melber with a comment by Anders Danielson
Structural Stability is a particular focus for reconceptualising developmental strategy and development aid and has provoked unforeseen responses in the course of a recent, mainly German debate. This debate began late in 2000 when a number of prominent German scholars in African Studies initiated a policy dialogue through a widely circulated and publicly discussed "Afrika Memorandum" centred on the notion of structural stability. Its arguments are relevant not only to a German audience but offer stimulating and thought-provoking inputs into the debate in the wider European context on bilateral and multilateral relations with Africa. This Discussion Paper presents the revised contributions to a Consultative Workshop on Structural Stability in an African Context that took place at the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala on 31 March and 1 April 2003.
New publication:
Robert Kappel , Andreas Mehler and Henning Melber with a comment by Anders Danielson:
Structural Stability in an African Context
Discussion Paper No 24, 55 pp Published: Dec 2003 by the Nordic Africa Institute
ISBN: 91-7106-521-0 Price: 100 SEK/ 10 EURO
Keywords: Crisis, Development aid, Economic and social development, Economic aspects, NePAD, Partnership
The publications is available both as "hard copy" and electronically (the electronic version is free of charge)
at the Nordic Africa Institute's website http://www.nai.uu.se/webbshop/ShopGB/index.html
Direct link to the pdf-file is:
Structural Stability is a particular focus for reconceptualising developmental strategy and development aid and has provoked unfore-seen responses in the course of a recent, mainly German debate. This debate began late in 2000 when a number of prominent German scholars in African Studies initiated a policy dialogue through a widely circulated and publicly discussed "Afrika Memorandum" centred on the notion of structural stability. Its arguments are relevant not only to a German audience but offer stimulating and thought-provoking inputs into the debate in the wider European context on bilateral and multilateral relations with Africa.
This Discussion Paper presents the revised contributions to a Consultative Workshop on Structural Stability in an African Context that took place at the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala on 31 March and 1 April 2003.
Dr. Anders Danielson teaches in the Department of Economics, Lund University.
Dr. Robert Kappel is Professor of Economics at the Institute for African Studies, University of Leipzig.
Dr. Andreas Mehler is Director of the Institute for African Studies in Hamburg.
Dr. Henning Melber is Research Director at the Nordic Africa Institute.
Robert Kappel
Economic Aspects of the African Crisis
Low-Level Equilibria, Traps and Structural Instability
Anders Danielson
Comments on Robert Kappel
Andreas Mehler
"Structural Stability"-A Leitmotiv for African Policies?
Background and Ambition
Henning Melber
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NePAD)
A Step Towards Structural Stability?