Mozambique: Workshop on Molecular Biology and Immunology of Malaria Vaccines

January 2002, Maputo

Applications are invited from African scientists employed by African health research/teaching institutions, who are interested in participating in future malaria vaccine trials in Africa. The 5-day Workshop on Molecular Biology and Immunology of Malaria Vaccines will mainly be organized by the Manhica Health Research Centre, in collaboration with the National Institute of Health and the Faculty of Medicine, University Eduardo Mondlane in Mozambique is targeted at a selected group of advanced pre-doctoral or post-doctoral African scientists: it will update them on the latest developments in malaria vaccine research. The workshop will present the basic science and underlying rationale for the development of particular types of candidate malaria vaccines.


Candidates must have prior training in molecular biology and immu-
nology, and either working on malaria vaccine research and testing
or interested in becoming involved in such studies.

The workshop will consist of lectures by distinguished experts
drawn from across the world, followed by such interactive ap-
proaches as debates, group work sessions, presentations by partici-
pants and the like. Close student-facilitator interactions will be

Selected participants will be financed by the African Malaria Vac-
cine Testing Network (AMVTN), which will award scholarships to
cover travel and full board accommodation. Instructions will mainly
be in English; translations will be made as needed.

Applicants wishing to participate in this Workshop should forward
the following by e-mail to the address below by 1 October 2001:
1. Full name in capital letters, with family name underlined.
2. Date of birth and nationality.
3. Name, full address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail ad-
dress where the applicant is employed.
4. Listing of educational qualifications, including date, place and
degree(s) obtained.
5. Describe in not more than 15 lines the nature of your current
post, and any other posts you may have where you need this work-
6. Current research interests (not more than 10 lines).
7. A list of your scientific publications, especially those relat-
ing to clinical/field trials and to the workshop.
8. Names and addresses of two referees (including their telephone,
fax and e-mail contacts) who you have requested to provide letters
of recommendation to be sent directly to the address below.

All applications must be received by 1 October 2001 by e-mail at
the address below:

Professor W. L. Kilama
Chairman, AMVTN Coordinating Committee
C26/27 Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology Building
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Kijitonyama
P. O. Box 33207
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255-22-2700018
Fax: +255-22-2700380
mailto:[email protected]

Dr Ricardo Thompson
mailto:[email protected]
mailto:[email protected]