Topics include International Approaches to Post-Conflict Justice in Rwanda, Domestic Approaches: Gacaca and the Domestic Courts and Conflict and Compromise between the different models of justice.
Institute of
International &
Friday May 23, 2003
9.00 am - 4.15 pm
9:00 am Registration
9:30am Welcome Address Dr. Mads Andenas, Director of BIICL
Opening of Conference H.E. Mrs. Rosemary Museminali, Ambassador of Rwanda
9:45 – 11:00 am International Approaches to Post-Conflict Justice in Rwanda
CHAIR: Professor Christine Chinkin, London School of Economics
Tom Kennedy, Former Senior Public Affairs Officer for the ICTR (Impact of ICTR on national developments in Rwanda)
Ernest Sagaga, BBC World Service Producer for Great Lakes Section and Charity Secretary of RUGO (Rwanda UK Goodwill Organisation) (Is justice seen to be done in the eyes of ordinary Rwandans?)
Rodney Dixon, 2 Beford Row (TBC) (The status of criminal prosecutions in International Law)
COMMENT: Professor Christine Chinkin
11:00 – 11.20 Coffee
11:20 – 12:40 Domestic Approaches: Gacaca and the Domestic Courts
CHAIR: Oona King, MP, Chair of All Party Parliamentary Group on Prevention of Genocide in Rwanda & the Great Lake Regions (TBC)
Speaker TBC (implementation of gacaca)
Alison De Forges, Human Rights Watch (social and political impact of gacaca/ reintegration)
Jean-Jacques Badibanga, Avocats Sans Frontières (difficulties of trying genocide in national courts)
Speaker TBC (Prisoners and Due process rights)
COMMENT: Dr Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)
12:40 - 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30-2:45 pm Conflict and Compromise between the different models of justice
CHAIR: Dr Nigel Eltringham, Research Associate, Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology, SOAS
Professor Madeline Morris, Duke University (The ICTR, the Rwandan government and domestic courts: co-operation and proportionality)
Laure-Helene Piron, Overseas Development Institute (Gacaca and domestic courts)
Alison De Forges, Human Rights Watch (Will the RPF be tried for alleged atrocities?)
2:45-3:00 pm Tea/ Coffee
3:00 - 4:15 pm Lessons learned: comparative transitional justice systems and the future for Rwanda
Nicola Dahrendorf, Director of The Conflict, Security and Development Group, Kings College London (advantages and disadvantages of different models)
Paul Seils, Senior Associate, International Centre for Transitional Justice (appropriate functions of international and domestic justice)
Quincy Whitaker, Doughty Street Chambers (In what circumstances is it possible to derogate from human rights standards?)
Keith Mackiggan, DFID (TBC) (policy implications for donors and international organisations)
COMMENT: Dr Mads Andenas, Director BIICL (UK monitoring process)
Council Chamber, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square
Prices (inclusive of VAT)
£25.00 Member
£30.00 Non-Members
£5.00 Students
(Prices include refreshments, lunch and a folder containing conference documents)
For more information and to register, please call 020 7862 5151 (where someone from the BIICL will register your place) or via e-mail [email protected]. Please register in advance as spaces are limited.
Sabrina Mahtani
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Charles Clore House
17 Russell Square
London, WC1B 5JP
E-mail: [email protected]