Globalizations Special Forum on Samir Amin's proposal for a 5th international

Samir Amin died on August 12, 2018. In July of 2018 he published a call for the establishment of a global fifth international that could coordinate and provide support to progressive social movements. Amin, Samir 2018 “Letter of Intent for an Inaugural Meeting of the International of Workers and Peoples” IDEAs network, July 3.
The Special Forum in Globalizations will contain short essays (from 2000 to 4000 words. They will be free online access on the Routledge website. Co-editors of the Special Forum are Barry Gills and Chris Chase-Dunn. The Forum will include both those who are friendly to the idea of a global political organization and those who think this is a bad idea. It will be a mix of positive reflections and critical ones and should include those that expand the thinking horizon on the issue of progressive world politics. Please let us know if you are willing to write for this as soon as possible and send your essay to [email protected] and to [email protected] no later than 15 January 2019. Also, if you have suggestions of others we should invite please send those as well.
Globalizations is an interdisciplinary journal published by Routledge. This forum will be co-published by Globalizations, Journal of World-Systems Research, Monthly Review Press and Pambazuka News (an African ezine with a wide following among activists and scholars in Africa). Although initially in the English language, we anticipate and encourage translations. Representatives of each of the co-publishers have been be asked to approve the contents of the forum and each publisher will be named in the front page of the forum. Each of the co-publishers will provide links from their own websites to the Globalizations special forum and links from each copublisher will be listed on the Globalizations forum site. This collaboration will allow wide access to the important discussion of Samir Amin’s proposal for a new global political organization.